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Polyclonal Anti-GAP43

Polyclonal Anti-GAP43

Cat no: PA1037

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Rabbit IgG polyclonal antibody for Neuromodulin (GAP43) detection. Tested with WB, IHC-P in Human;Mouse;Rat.
Catalogue number: PA1037
Price: $200.00
Reactivities: Human, Mouse, Rat
Applications: Immunohistochemistry, Western Blot
Size: 100ug/vial
Gene: GAP43
Swiss prot: P17677
Form: Lyophilized
Format: Each vial contains 5mg BSA, 0.9mg NaCl, 0.2mg Na2HPO4, 0.05mg Thimerosal, 0.05mg NaN3.
Storage temp: "At -20 degree C for one year. After reconstitution, at 4 degree C for one month. It can also be aliquotted and stored frozen at -20 degree C for a longer time. Avoid repeated freezing and thawing. "
Scientific background: Growth Associated Protein-43(GAP-43), also known as nerve growth-related growth peptide GAP43, shares a high degree of homology between the sequence of the human gene and the rat gene. GAP-43 is considered a crucial component of an effective regenerative response in the nervous system. Somatic cell hybrids demonstrate localization of the GAP-43 gene to human chromosome 3 and to mouse chromosome 16. GAP-43 has been termed a "growth" or "plasticity" protein because it is expressed at high levels in neuronal growth cones during development and during axonal regeneration. GAP-43 regulates growth of axons and modulates the formation of new connections.
References: 1. Kosik, K. S.; Orecchio, L. D.; Bruns, G. A. P.; Benowitz, L. I.; MacDonald, G. P.; Cox, D. R.; Neve, R. L. : Human GAP-43: its deduced amino acid sequence and chromosomal localization in mouse and human. Neuron 1: 127-132, 1988. 2. Strittmatter, S. M.; Fankhauser, C.; Huang, P. L.; Mashimo, H.; Fishman, M. C. : Neuronal pathfinding is abnormal in mice lacking the neuronal growth cone protein GAP-43. Cell 80: 445-452, 1995. 3. Chen, B.; Wang, J.-F.; Sun, X.; Young, L. T. : Regulation of GAP-43 expression by chronic desipramine treatment in rat cultured hippocampal cells. Biol. Psychiat. 53: 530-537, 2003.
Additional info: A synthetic peptide corresponding to a sequence at the C-terminal of the human GAP-43, different from the related mouse and rat sequences by one amino acid.
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