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Polyclonal Anti-SELENBP1

Polyclonal Anti-SELENBP1

Cat no: PA2216

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Rabbit IgG polyclonal antibody for Selenium-binding protein 1 (SELENBP1) detection. Tested with WB, IHC-P in Human.
Catalogue number: PA2216
Price: $200.00
Reactivities: Human
Applications: Immunohistochemistry, Western Blot
Size: 100?g/vial
Swiss prot: Q13228
Form: lyophilized
Format: Each vial contains 5mg BSA, 0.9mg NaCl, 0.2mg Na2HPO4, 0.05mg Thimerosal, 0.05mg NaN3.
Storage temp: At -20 degree C for one year. After reconstitution, at 4 degree C for one month. It can also be aliquotted and stored frozen at -20 degree C for a longer time.Avoid repeated freezing and thawing.
Scientific background: Selenium-binding protein 1, also known as SELENBP1 or SBP is a protein that in humans is encoded by the SLELNBP1 gene. This gene is mapped to 1q21.3. This gene encodes a member of the selenium-binding protein family. Selenium is an essential nutrient that exhibits potent anticarcinogenic properties, and deficiency of selenium may cause certain neurologic diseases. The effects of selenium in preventing cancer and neurologic diseases may be mediated by selenium-binding proteins, and decreased expression of this gene may be associated with several types of cancer. The encoded protein may play a selenium-dependent role in ubiquitination/deubiquitination-mediated protein degradation.
References: 1. Chang, P. W. G., Tsui, S. K. W., Liew, C., Lee, C., Waye, M. M. Y., Fung, K. Isolation, characterization, and chromosomal mapping of a novel cDNA clone encoding human selenium binding protein. J. Cell. Biochem. 64: 217-224, 1997. 2. Okunuki, Y., Usui, Y., Takeuchi, M., Kezuka, T., Hattori, T., Masuko, K., Nakamura, H., Yudoh, K., Usui, M., Nishioka, K., Kato, T. Proteomic surveillance of autoimmunity in Behcet's disease with uveitis: selenium binding protein is a novel autoantigen in Behcet's disease. Exp. Eye Res. 84: 823-831, 2007.
Additional info: A synthetic peptide corresponding to a sequence in the middle region of human SELENBP1.
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