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General Laboratory Equipment

General Laboratory Equipment
Looking for reliable and cost effective Laboratory Equipment for your research?

Laboratory equipment for research, development and testing is used in academics, agriculture, industry, environment, pharmaceuticals, medical, food & beverage, biofuels, cosmetics, and many other sectors. Laboratory equipment helps researchers with a wide variety of tasks, such as amplifying and purifying DNA; testing for the presence and amount of specific substances; and measuring...

...particle size, mass, molecular weight and other quantities of nanometer-scale particles.

Instrumentation for biological laboratories includes microscopes, spectrometers, spectrophotometers, fluorimeters, photometers, plate readers, image analysis systems, gel imaging systems, particle analyzers, and computerized balances with customizable apps.

General equipment for biological labs includes hybridiziation stations; microplate washers; extraction mantles; electric Bunsen burners; paraffin wax dispensers; melting point apparatuses; biological stirrers; thermoregulators; water baths; gelation timers; sample concentrators; block heaters; incubators; thermal cyclers; stirrers; hotplates; water stills; shakers and rockers; tube rollers and rotators; homogenizers; colony counters; pH and conductivity meters; enclosed sterile PCR workstations; biological safety cabinets; air filtration systems; dissolved oxygen meters; ultra-low freezers; temperature controlled sample storage units; cell culture incubators; OEM liquid handling robots and pumps; water filtration systems; nucleic acid purification systems; centrifuges; nitrogen generators; transilluminators; magnifying UV lamps; and autoclaves.

Accessories and consumable supplies for biological labs include pipettes, racks and tips; laboratory information management systems (LIMS); sample tracking and management software; Western blot kits and systems; controllers; centrifuge tubes, vials and filters; autoinjectors; cell culture media; PCR plates and microplates; adhesive microplate seals; screw cap test tubes; syringe filters; protective eyewear, chromatography particles and adsorbents; HPLC and UHPLC columns; and specimen containers.

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Randox Food ELISAs
Randox Food ELISAs
Randox Food Diagnostics

The Randox Food ELISAs available for the detection of 36 different compounds.

Antimicrobial Array I Ultra Antimicrobial  Compound Detection Kit
Antimicrobial Array I Ultra Antimicrobial Compound Detection Kit
Randox Food Diagnostics

Detects various sulphonamides and other compounds in Honey, Milk and Tissue samples.

Mycotoxins Array Mycotoxin Detection Kit
Mycotoxins Array Mycotoxin Detection Kit
Randox Food Diagnostics

Detection for up to 10 mycotoxins including Paxiline, Fumonisins, Ochratoxin A, Aflatoxin G1/G2, Aflatoxin B1, Ergot Alkaloids, Diacetoxyscirpenol,...

RX monaco automated bench top analyzer
RX monaco automated bench top analyzer
Randox Food Diagnostics

The Randox RX monaco is an automated bench top analyzer

RX altona semi-automated bench top analyzer
RX altona semi-automated bench top analyzer
Randox Food Diagnostics

The Randox RX altona is a semi-automated bench top analyzer

Evidence Investigator semi-automated bench top analyzer
Evidence Investigator semi-automated bench top analyzer
Randox Food Diagnostics

The Evidence Investigator is a semi-automated bench top analyzer

STREX Mechanical Cell Strain Manual Stretcher, unidirectional stretch
STREX Mechanical Cell Strain Manual Stretcher, unidirectional stretch
B-Bridge International, Inc.

STREX Mechanical Cell Strain Manual Stretcher, unidirectional stretch

STREX Mechanical Cell Strain Manual Stretcher, unidirectional stretch
STREX Mechanical Cell Strain Manual Stretcher, unidirectional stretch
B-Bridge International, Inc.

STREX Mechanical Cell Strain Manual Stretcher, unidirectional stretch

Standard ShellPa mechanical cell strain instrument
Standard ShellPa mechanical cell strain instrument
B-Bridge International, Inc.

When walking or running, the internal structure of the body experiences various mechanical stresses such as muscle movement, heart pulsation or skin tension...

Universal Magnet Plate for Magnet Assisted Transfection
Universal Magnet Plate for Magnet Assisted Transfection

Universal Magnet Plate 8x13 cm suitable for Magnet Assisted Transfection (MATra) of cells grown in culture plates of different formats, e.g. 6well, 12well,...

MATra-S Immobilizer for Magent Assisted Transfection
MATra-S Immobilizer for Magent Assisted Transfection

Reagent required for Magnet Assisted Transfection of suspension cells: Suspension cells have to be made adherent first by incubating them with the reagent...

MATra-si Reagent for Magnet Assisted Transfection
MATra-si Reagent for Magnet Assisted Transfection

MATra-si Reagent for efficient transfection of siRNA/miRNA as well as Antisense Oligos (ODN) using IBA's Magnet Assisted Transfection technology (MATra)....

MATra-A Reagent for Magnet Assisted Transfection
MATra-A Reagent for Magnet Assisted Transfection

MATra-A Reagent for efficient transfection of plasmid DNA using IBA's Magnet Assisted Transfection technology (MATra). MATra is a very gentle,...

MATra-si Web Shop Starter Set (for Magnet Assisted Transfection)
MATra-si Web Shop Starter Set (for Magnet Assisted Transfection)

MATra-si Reagent for efficient transfection of siRNA/miRNA as well as Antisense Oligos (ODN) using IBA's Magnet Assisted Transfection technology (MATra)....

TouchTools™ – customizable touchscreen control for Freedom EVO® workstations
TouchTools™ – customizable touchscreen control for Freedom EVO® workstations
Tecan Trading AG

Tecan’s TouchTools touchscreen user interface makes programming and operating Freedom EVO workstations easier than ever before. It offers a fully...

TimePro Kinetic Microspectroscopy
TimePro Kinetic Microspectroscopy
CRAIC Technologies, inc.

Software for CRAIC microspectrometers to measure spectral response over time.Watch video HERE

UVM-1  UV Microscope
UVM-1 UV Microscope
CRAIC Technologies, inc.

Microscope able to image in UV, visible and NIR regionsWatch video HERE

Apollo Raman Microspectrometer
Apollo Raman Microspectrometer
CRAIC Technologies, inc.

Add Raman spectroscopy to your microscopeWatch video HERE

508 PV Microscope Spectrometer
508 PV Microscope Spectrometer
CRAIC Technologies, inc.

Add UV-visible-NIR and Fluorescence spectroscopy to your microscopeWatch Video HERE

20/30 PV Microspectrometer
20/30 PV Microspectrometer
CRAIC Technologies, inc.

UV-visible-NIR reflectance, absorbance, fluorescence and Raman spectra & imaging of microscopic samplesWatch our video HERE

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