The cellular retinoic acid-binding protein (CRABP)-I and a related isoform CRABP-II are nuclear receptors for retinoic acid (RA), an important regulator of...
Carboxypeptidase N (arginine carboxypeptidase or CPN) cleaves basic amino acid residues from the carboxy terminal of peptides and proteins. The enzyme plays...
Cytoplasmic linker protein of 170 kDa (CLIP-170) is the original member of a group of microtuble binding proteins designated as plus-end-binding...
The peroxisomal membrane contains several ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporters, ABCD1-4 that are known to be present in the human peroxisome membrane. All...
The EDG (endothelial differentiation gene) family of G protein coupled receptors consists of eight family members that bind lysophospholipid (LPL) mediators,...
The heredity disease chronic granulomatous disease (CGF) has been linked to mutations in p47-phox and p67-phox. The cytosolic proteins p47-phox and p67-phox,...
Nurr1 (Nur-related factor 1) and Nur77 (also designated NGFI-B) encode orphan nuclear receptors which may comprise an additional subfamily within the nuclear...
NOS is classified under three types: neuronal NOS (nNOS) or brain NOS (bNOS); inducible NOS (iNOS) or macrophage NOS (mNOS); and endothelial NOS (eNOS).eNOS...
Cell cycle progression is controlled in part by a family of cyclin proteins and cyclin dependent kinases (Cdks). Cdk proteins work in concert with the...
Three members of the TGF beta family, TGF beta 1, TGF beta 2 and TGF beta 3, are known in mammals. TGF betas mediate their activity by high affinity binding...
Smad proteins, the mammalian homologs of the Drosophila mothers against decapentaplegic (Mad), have been implicated as downstream effectors of GFbeta/BMP...
Smad proteins, the mammalian homologs of the Drosophila mothers against decapentaplegic (Mad), have been implicated as downstream effectors of GFbeta/BMP...
The second messenger cyclic AMP (cAMP) mediates diverse cellular responses to external signals such as proliferation, ion transport, regulation of metabolism...
The EGF receptor family comprises several related receptor tyrosine kinases that are frequently overexpressed in a variety of carcinomas. Members of this...
Heterotrimeric G protein-mediated signal transduction is a dynamically regulated process with the intensity of signal decreasing over time despite the...
Mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling pathways involve closely related MAP kinases, including extracellular-signal-related kinase 3 (ERK 3, also...
The mini-chromosome maintenance (MCM) family of proteins, including MCM2, MCM3, MCM4 (Cdc21), MCM5 (Cdc46), MCM6 (Mis5) and MCM7 (Cdc47), are regulators of...
Members of the protein kinase C (PKC) family play a key regulatory role in variety of cellular functions including cell growth and differentiation, gene...
PAK4 is highly expressed in prostate, testis and colon. PAK4 interacts tightly with GTP-bound but not GDP-bound CDC42 and weakly with RAC. PAK4...
MEK1 (Mitogen activated protein kinase kinase 1) catalyzes the concomitant phosphorylation of a threonine and a tyrosine residue in a Thr-Glu-Tyr sequence...