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EFP (D222) Peptide
EFP (D222) Peptide
Bioworld Technology, Inc.

EFP (estrogen-responsive finger protein) is a transcription factor, the content of which is regulated by estrogen. It has been identified as a member of the...

E2F-2 (K236) Peptide
E2F-2 (K236) Peptide
Bioworld Technology, Inc.

The human retinoblastoma gene product appears to play an important role in the negative regulation of cell proliferation. Functional inactivation of Rb can...

GIT2 (D391) Peptide
GIT2 (D391) Peptide
Bioworld Technology, Inc.

Heterotrimeric G protein-mediated signal transduction is a dynamically regulated process with the intensity of signal decreasing over time despite the...

Dyrk1A (Q39) Peptide
Dyrk1A (Q39) Peptide
Bioworld Technology, Inc.

Dyrk (for dual specificity tyrosine phosphorylation regulated kinase) is the homolog of the Drosophila mnb (minibrain) gene, which is required for...

TDG (K90) Peptide
TDG (K90) Peptide
Bioworld Technology, Inc.

In the DNA of higher eukaryotes, hydrolytic deamination of 5-methylcytosine to thymine leads to the formation of G/T mismatches. G/T mismatch-specific...

CaMKIIbeta/gamma  (R631) Peptide
CaMKIIbeta/gamma (R631) Peptide
Bioworld Technology, Inc.

The Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinases (CaM kinases) comprise a structurally related subfamily of serine/threonine kinases which include CaMKI, CaMKII...

TDE1 (R392) Peptide
TDE1 (R392) Peptide
Bioworld Technology, Inc.

TDE1, tumor differentially expressed protein 1, is a multi-pass membrane protein also known as serine incorporator 3. Also found on the membranes of the...

Smad4 (L43) Peptide
Smad4 (L43) Peptide
Bioworld Technology, Inc.

Smad proteins, the mammalian homologs of the Drosophila Mothers against dpp (Mad) have been implicated as downstream effectors of TGFbeta/BMP signaling....

PRDM3 (M1) Peptide
PRDM3 (M1) Peptide
Bioworld Technology, Inc.

PRDM3 can be produced either as a separate transcript and as a fusion transcript with EVI1. A chromosomal aberration involving PRDM3 is found in a form of...

TUSC3 (H153) Peptide
TUSC3 (H153) Peptide
Bioworld Technology, Inc.

Made up of nearly 146 million bases, chromosome 8 encodes about 800 genes. Translocation of portions of chromosome 8 with amplifications of the c-Myc gene...

Treacle (Q55) Peptide
Treacle (Q55) Peptide
Bioworld Technology, Inc.

Treacle is a serine/alanine-rich 1,411 amino acid nuclear phosphoprotein that interacts with upstream binding factor (UBF) and affects transcription of the...

JIP-2 (N601) Peptide
JIP-2 (N601) Peptide
Bioworld Technology, Inc.

c-Jun NH2-terminal kinases (JNKs) are distant members of the MAP kinase family. JNK1 is activated by dual phosphorylation at a Thr-Pro-Tyr motif in response...

MTA1 (K182) Peptide
MTA1 (K182) Peptide
Bioworld Technology, Inc.

MTA1 (metastasis-associated protein 1) is a component of the NURD (for nucleosome remodeling and histone deacetylation) complex, which is associated with...

p39 (N100) Peptide
p39 (N100) Peptide
Bioworld Technology, Inc.

Cyclin dependent kinases, known as Cdks, regulate transitions in the eukaryotic cell cycle. Cdk 5 is required for proper development of the mammalian central...

TBX2 (N280) Peptide
TBX2 (N280) Peptide
Bioworld Technology, Inc.

The T-box (TBX) motif is present in a family of genes whose structural features and expression patterns support their involvement in developmental gene...

NF-1 (Q34) Peptide
NF-1 (Q34) Peptide
Bioworld Technology, Inc.

NF-1, also designated CTF, consists of a family of CCAAT-box-binding proteins that stimulate DNA replication and activate transcription. Analysis of human...

TEF (K224) Peptide
TEF (K224) Peptide
Bioworld Technology, Inc.

TEF (thyrotrophic embryonic factor), also known as KIAA1655, is a 303 amino acid nuclear transcription factor that belongs to the bZIP (basic region/leucine...

CBP80 (R5) Peptide
CBP80 (R5) Peptide
Bioworld Technology, Inc.

In eukaryotes, the majority of mRNAs have an m(7)G cap, which is added cotranscriptionally and plays a critical role in many aspects of mRNA metabolism. The...

CD137 (K107) Peptide
CD137 (K107) Peptide
Bioworld Technology, Inc.

CD137, also designated ILA and 4-1BB in mouse, belongs to the tumor necrosis factor receptor family and delivers a costimulatory signal to T lymphocytes....

LT-beta (V211) Peptide
LT-beta (V211) Peptide
Bioworld Technology, Inc.

Tumor necrosis factor (TNF) and lymphotoxin-alpha (LT-alpha, also known as TNF?beta) are members of a family of secreted and cell surface cytokines that...

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