Several serine/threonine protein kinases have been implicated as intermediates in signal transduction pathways. These include ERK/MAP kinases, ribosomal S6...
Parkin is a zinc-finger protein that is related to ubiquitin at the amino terminus. The wildtype Parkin gene, which maps to human chromosome 6q25.2-27,...
The family of ribosomal S6 kinases (Rsks), designated Rsk-1 (or MAPKAP kinase-1), Rsk-2 and Rsk-3, are intracellular serine/threonine kinases that are...
The family of ribosomal S6 kinases (Rsks), designated Rsk-1 (or MAPKAP kinase-1), Rsk-2 and Rsk-3, are intracellular serine/threonine kinases that are...
p53 is the most commonly mutated gene in human cancer identified to date. Expression of p53 leads to inhibition of cell growth by preventing progression of...
A unique family of cysteine proteases has been described that differs in sequence, structure and substrate specificity from any previously described protease...
IRS-1, a major substrate of the insulin receptor, is phosphorylated in response to stimulation of cells by insulin, insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) and...
Integrins are heterodimers composed of noncovalently associated transmembrane alpha and beta subunits. The 16 alpha and 8 beta subunits heterodimerize to...
Heterotrimeric G protein-mediated signal transduction is a dynamically regulated process with the intensity of signal decreasing over time despite the...
FOXO1 + FOX3 + FOX4 belong to the forkhead family of transcription factors.FOXO1 (FKHR or ForkHead in Rhabdomyosarcoma) is a 70 kDa protein. Recent studies...
FGFR1 (fibroblast growth factor receptor 1) is a member of the fibroblast growth factor receptor family containing an Ig-like domain and a tyrosine kinase...
Cbl (also designated the c-Cbl proto-oncogene, E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase CBL, Casitas B-lineage lymphoma proto-oncogene and RING finger protein 55) has...
Cbl (also designated the c-Cbl proto-oncogene, E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase CBL, Casitas B-lineage lymphoma proto-oncogene and RING finger protein 55) has...
Calnexin and Calregulin (also called Calreticulin) are calcium-binding proteins that are localized to the endoplasmic reticulum
Caldesmon, Filamin 1, Nebulin and Villin are differentially expressed and regulated Actin binding proteins. Both muscular and non-muscular forms of Caldesmon...
The sodium/potassium ATPase is an integral membrane enzyme found in all cells of higher organisms and is responsible for the ATP dependent transport of...
Adducins are a family of cytoskeleton proteins encoded by three genes (alpha, beta, gamma ). Adducin is a protein associated with the inner leaflet of the...
Phospholipase A2s (PLA2s) constitute a family of esterases that hydrolyze the sn-2-acyl ester bond in glycerophospholipid molecules. These enzymes are...
VASP (vasodilator-stimulated phosphoprotein), is involved in the maintenance of cytoarchitecture by interacting with actin-like filaments. VASP shares a...
The enzyme tyrosine hydroxylase (TH), also designated tyrosine 3-monooxygenase (TY3H), catalyzes the conversion of tyrosine to L-dopa, which is the rate...