Heparan sulfate is a highly sulfated polysaccharide found on the cell surface and within the extracellular matrix. Typically, it is covalently attached to...
Hemostatic. Form: White Solid Melting Point: 132-134 degrees C Solubility: Methanol, Water
HDHD1A, also known as haloacid dehalogenase-like hydrolase domain-containing protein 1A, belongs to the adiponutrin family. This protein is of interest...
HDDC3, contains an active site for ppGpp hydrolysis and a conserved His-Asp-box motif for Mn(2+) binding. Consistent with these structural data, HDDC3...
HDAC 1 inhibitor. Antitumor compound. Antiproliferative. TGF-beta type II receptor inducer. Apoptosis inducer. Anti-inflammatory. Angiogenesis inhibitor....
HBTU is a coupling reagent used in peptide synthesis. HBTU has been shown to effectively suppress racemization. Form: White Solid Melting Point: >195 degrees...
Having spasmolytic and cholinolytic activity Form: Pale-Yellow Oil Solubility: Chloroform, Dichloromethane
Having spasmolytic and cholinolytic activity Form: Pale-Yellow Oil Solubility: Chloroform, Dichloromethane
Has neuroprotective properties improving axonal wiring. Has been used to treat stroke patients to restore neural function. Form: White Solid Melting Point:...
Has cytotoxicity and mutagenicity effects. Form: Clear Colourless Oil Solubility: Chloroform
Has binding affinity to guanine deaminase, an important metalloenzyme in purine catabolism. Found in urine of patients with malignant cancer. Solubility:...
Has been used as antiseptic, anthelmintic and counter-irritant in alopecia. Form: Pale Purple Solid Melting Point: 120-123 degrees C Solubility: Chloroform,...
Has been used as an emetic and expectorant. Form: Off-White to Pale Yellow Solid Melting Point: 98-100 degrees C Solubility: Methanol
Has been found in starfish and sea urchins. It is used as intermediate in the synthesis of antienzyme agents for toothpaste. Found to be a marker for...
Has antibacterial, antiplaque properties against Streptococcus mutans, Actinomyces ciscosus, and Actinomyces naesludii. Melting Point: 207-211 degrees C...
Has anti-bacterial activity. Form: White Solid Melting Point: >180 degrees C (dec.) Solubility: Methanol
Has a SK channel blocker effect. Form: Pale Yellow Solid Melting Point: >350 degrees C Solubility: DMSO, Methanol
Has a mutagenic potency. Form: Beige Solid Melting Point: 50-52 degrees C Solubility: Chloroform, Ethyl Acetate
Harman alkaloid like harmane, harmine, harmalol, harmaline obtained from Banisteriopsis caapi L. showed cytotoxicity, antimicrobial activity against...
Haloperidol Metabolite II Form: White Solid Melting Point: 125-127 degrees C Solubility: Chloroform, Methanol