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Novel FreezeFrame Application with Optogenetics

Novel FreezeFrame Application with Optogenetics

Supplier: Coulbourn Instruments 14/10/2013


FreezeFrame software for Fear Conditioning, Tail Suspension and Porsolt Swim Testing from Coulbourn Instruments was highlighted recently in the New York Times and the prestigious British publication, The Guardian. A study by the Tonegawa lab at the RIKEN-MIT Center for Neural Circuit Genetics details how false memories were created by optogenetic manipulation in the hippocampus of mice and tested under different contexts with FreezeFrame.
FreezeFrame offers these unique features:
•    First video–based system for fear conditioning, known for being the standard within the field
•    Ability to detect minute movements of grooming, sniffing, turning and rearing
•    Superior for low light performance
•    Utilizes a proprietary motion detection algorithm to filter out shadows, light flicker and camera noise while detecting movement as fine as 1 mm
•    Multiple stimulus protocol capabilities
•    Stored video images are exported as QuickTime and AVI movies

FreezeFrame software works in conjunction with a USB interface and Coulbourn modular operant boxes to provide the complete stimulus control required for fear conditioning applications. This software can also be used to detect bouts of freezing in other applications such as forced swim and tail suspension tests.
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