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Anguinomycin A (5-Demethyl-leptomycin A, KR 2827A, Antibiotic KR 2827A)

Cat no: A2295-11L1

Supplier: United States Biological
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Anguinomycin A, isolated from a Streptomyces sp., displays nanomolar cytotoxicity to murine P388 leukemia cells. In addition, it shows antitumour activity in mice against murine Lewis lung carcinoma and P388 leukemia. Anguinomycin A is an analogue of Leptomycin B, an inhibitor of nuclear export of proteins. Purity: >95% by HPLC Solubility: Soluble in ethanol or methanol. Ethanol recommended. Unstable in DMSO. Related to: Leptomycin A, Leptomycin B, Kazusamycin A, Kazusamycin B
Catalogue number: A2295-11L1
Size: 100ug
Purity: >95% by HPLC
Alternative names: 5-Demethyl-leptomycin A, KR 2827A, Antibiotic KR 2827A
References: 1. Anguinomycins C and D, new antitumor antibiotics with selective cytotoxicity against transformed cells. Hayakawa Y. et al. J. Antibiot. 1995, 48, 954. 2. New antitumor antibiotics, anguinomycins A and B. Hayakawa Y. et al. J. Antibiot. 1987, 40, 1349.

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