Mouse anti-Plasmodium vivax MSP1 monoclonal antibody for ELISA, WB. Suitable for use in ELISA and Western blot. Each laboratory should determine an optimum working titer for use in its particular application. Other applications have not been tested but use in such assays should not necessarily be excluded.Plasmodium vivax is a protozoal parasiteand a human pathogen. The most frequent and widely distributed cause ofrecurring (tertian) malaria, P. vivax is one of the four species of malarialparasite that commonly infect humans. It is less virulent than Plasmodiumfalciparum, which is the deadliest of the four, and is seldom fatal. P. vivaxis carried by the female Anopheles mosquito, since it is the only sex of thespecies that bites. Plasmodium vivax is aparasitic protozoa and the most frequent and widely distributed cause ofmalaria in humans. The Plasmodium merozoite specific protein 1 (MSP1) is ablood stage antigen that has been studied extensively and remains a potentialvaccine candidate.