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anti-Signal Transducer and Activator of Transcription 4 (STAT4) (AA 730-749) antibody

Cat no: ABIN117931

Supplier: Antibodies-online
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anti-Signal Transducer and Activator of Transcription 4 (STAT4) (AA 730-749) antibody
Catalogue number: ABIN117931
Reactivities: Human, Mouse, Rat
Hosts: Rabbit
Applications: ELISA, Immunoprecipitation, Western Blot
Size: 0.1 mL
Gene: 6775,20849,367264
Concentration: 85 mg/mL (by refractometry)
Antigen: STAT4
Clonality: Polyclonal
Sequence: Peptide sequence: R-E-N-L-S-P-T-T-I-E-T-A-M-N-S-P-Y-S-A-E Protein sequence: Mouse STAT4 protein is composed of 749 amino acids (85.9 kDa) 1 msqwnqvqql eikfleqvdq fyddnfpmei rhllaqwiet dwevasnne tmatillqnl 61 liqldeqlgr vskeknllli hnlkrirkvl qgkfhgnpmh vavvisnclr eerrilaaan 121 mpiqgpleks lqsssvserq rnvehkvsai knsvqmteqd tkyledlqde fdyryktiqt 181 mdqgdknsil vnqevltllq emlnsldfkr kealskmtqi vnetdllmns mlleelqdwk 241 krqqiacigg plhngldqlq ncftllaesl fqlrqqlekl qeqstkmtye gdpipaqrah 301 lleratfliy nlfknsfvve qpcmpthpq rpmvlktliq tvklrllik lpelnyqvkv 361 kasidknvst lsnrrfvlcg thvkamssee ssngslsvef rhlqpkemkc stgskgnegc 421 hmvteelhsi tfetqiclyg ltinletssl pvvmisnvsq lpnawasiiw ynvstndsqn 481 lvffnnppsv tlgqllevms wqfssyvgrg lnseqlnmla ekltvqsnyn dghltwakfc 541 kehlpgktft fwtwleaild likkhilplw idgyimgfvs kekerlllkd kmpgtfllrf 601 seshlggitf twvdqsenge vrfhsvepyn kgrlsalafa dilrdykvim aenipenplk 661 ylypdipkdk afgkhyssqp cevsrpterg dkgyvpsvfi pistirsdst epqspsdllp 721 mspsayavlr enlspttiet amnspysae
Entrez gene: 6775,20849,367264

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