Activation of ICE-family proteases/caspases initiates apoptosis in mammalian cells. The Mch2/Caspase-6 Fluorometric Protease Assay Kits provide a simple and convenient means for assaying the activity of caspases that recognize the sequence VEID. The assay is based on detection of cleavage of substrate VEID-AFC (AFC: 7-amino-4-trifluoromethyl coumarin). VEID-AFC emits blue light (lmax 400nm); upon cleavage of the substrate by Mch2 or related caspases, free AFC emits a yellow-green fluorescence (lmax 505nm), which can be quantified using a fluorometer or a fluorecence microtiter plate reader. Comparison of the fluorescence of AFC from an apoptotic sample with an uninduced control allows determination of the fold increase in Mch2 activity.
Components: 25 assays 100 assays
Cell Lysis Buffer 25ml 100ml
2X Reaction Buffer 2ml 4 x 2ml
VEID-AFC Substrate (4mM) 125ul 500ul
DTT (1M) 100ul 400ul
Store kit at -20 degrees C (Store Cell Lysis Buffer and 2X Reaction Buffer at 4 degrees C after opening). All reagents are stable for 1 year under proper storage conditions.