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HB Pre-S1 Antigen Quantitative ELISA Kit, Rapid

Cat no: BCL-S1HP-01

Supplier: B-Bridge International, Inc.
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World's first kit for determining HBV Pre-S1 antigenBeacle has been a leader in devloping original hepatitis B virus-related products for over 10 years.The Pre-S1 region of surface antigen of HBV is known to play an important role in the recognition of human hepatocyte and resulting infection. Becale has commercialized the world's first kit that enables researchers to quantitatively detect the Pre-S1 antigen with high sensitivity. This revolutionary kit can be used to determine Pre-S1 antigen in human serum or plasma.Quantitative detemination of HBV Pre-S1 antigenHuman serum sample can be usedHigh sensitivity (0.2-10 nUnit/ml)High specificity/
Catalogue number: BCL-S1HP-01
Size: 96 tests

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