ADIPOR1 and ADIPOR2 are highly related structurally, and mouse Adipor1 and Adipor2 share 66.7% identity. ADIPOR1 and ADIPOR2 are 7-transmembrane domain proteins, but they are structurally, topologically, and functionally distinct from G protein-coupled receptors. Epitope tag labeling showed that the N terminus is internal and the C terminus is external in the ADIPORs, a topology opposite that of GPCRs. ADIPOR1, ADIPOR2 are conserved from yeast to human, especially in the membrane-spanning regions. The authors noted that the yeast homolog has a principal role in metabolic pathways that regulate lipid metabolism, such as fatty acid oxidation. Northern blot analysis of mouse or human tissues detected a major 4.0kb ADIPOR2 transcript that was most abundantly expressed in liver.