The ADF (actin-depolymerizing factor)/cofilin family is composed of stimulus-responsive mediators of actin dynamics. ADF/cofilin proteins are inactivated by kinases such as LIM domain kinase-1 (LIMK1). The SSH family appears to play a role in actin dynamics by reactivating ADF/cofilin proteins in vivo.
Transcript analysis suggested that at least 6 polypeptides would be produced from these genes. SSH1 encodes 3 isoforms, SSH1L, SSH1S, and SSH1B, and SSH2 encodes 2 isoforms, SSH2 and SSH2B. The SSH3 protein has 471 amino acids. Besides the catalytic domain, 2 other domains are conserved between Drosophila ssh and the human SSHs (domains A and B) and are unique to the SSH family.