IPTG is a carbohydrate used to induce b-galactosidase for the selection of recombinant plasmids. Used to select for lac Y mutants and to induce the lac operon in E. coli. IPTG will also induce the cellular content of lactose permease.
Colorless, clear, complete
Identity (IR):
Conforms to structure
pH (5%):
Not Detected
Specific Rotation (C=1,H2O):
-29 degrees to -35 degrees
Melting Point:
109 -114.0 degrees C
Water (KF):
(same/less than)1.0%
Blue-White Assay:
Induces b-galactosidase in a pUC 18-containing strain.
Storage and Stability:
Powder is very stable at RT. Stable for 12 months. For long-term storage of reconstituted product, aliquot and store at -20 degrees C. Aliquots are stable for 6 months at -20 degrees C. Further dilutions can be made in assay buffer.