Kanamycin sulfate is an antibiotic that belongs to the group of drugs called aminoglycosides. It binds to ribosomal components and inhibits protein synthesis. Kanamycin sulfate appears to prevent bacteria from making their cell walls, thus the cells die. It is used to treat many sensitive gram-negative, some gram-positive bacteria and and mycoplasmas in cell culture. Kanamycin is inactivated by an aminoglycoside phospho transferase (MW 25,000) in the periplasmic space.
Suitable for use as a selectable marker for cosmid vectors used in transfection of mammalian cells.
Activity on Dry Basis: (same/more than)750ug/mg
White to light tan crystalline powder
To pass USP Test
Kanamycin B Content:
(same/less than)4%
Specific Rotation:
+112 degrees to +123 degrees
Loss on Drying:
(same/less than)1.5%
(same/less than)2Eu/mg
Working Concentration:
Cell/Tissue Culture: ~30ug/ml
Stringent Plasmids: 10ug/ml
Relaxed Plasmids: 50ug/ml