LA1-5s is a clonal subline of the cell line LA-N-1 which was established by Seeger et al., (1977) from the primary site of a noncatecholamine-producing neuroblastoma of a 3-year-old female with clinical Stage IV neuroblastoma. The LA1-5s culture consists of large, flat, and tightly adherent cells. They are precursors of Schwann cell/glia/melanocyte lineages arising from the neural crest. This cell line is not tumourigenic in nude mice at a 1,000,000 cell inoculum. The cells can transdifferentiate to a neuroblastic phenotype. The N-myc gene has been reported to be amplified but exhibits very low expression.LA-N-1, LA1-55n and LA1-5s have been shown to originate from the same patient by STR profiling.