Eleven novel TPGs were discovered: DCP1A (decapping enzyme homologue A), (trinucleotide repeat containing 18), LAMC3 (laminin, g-3), NEBL (nebulette), NRIP3 (nuclear receptor interacting protein 3), C2CD3 (C2 calciumdependent domain containing 3), UBE4A (ubiquitination factor from the gel and subjected to DNA sequence analyses to obtain the patient-specific fusion sequences. The DCP1A gene encodes a homologue of the DCP1 decapping enzyme, involved in mRNA degradation.15 The protein localizes in the mRNA processing body (P-body) that regulates degradation and abundance of RNA molecules (RNA decay). For TNRC18, no function is known. LAMC3 is a nonbasement membrane-associate filamentous protein that is downregulated or deleted in carcinomas.