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MyFi(TM) DNA Polymerase

Cat no: BIO-21119

Supplier: Bioline USA
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MyFi(TM) is a newly developed, antibody-mediated, hot-start enzyme with unique properties, that offers 3.5x higher fidelity than native Taq and enhanced sensitivity and specificity, making MyFi a superior choice for cloning. The polymerase is supplied with MyFi Buffer, a highly optimized proprietary formulation, containing ultra-pure dNTPs, MgCl2 and enhancers, specifically formulated and validated to provide outstanding results. MyFi is ideally suited for difficult PCR amplification and cloning of targets with variable lengths up to 10kb, for example, amplification of cDNA libraries, complex genomic fragments (Fig. 1), targets with high GC-content (Fig. 2) and low-copy assays which require both high processivity and higher fidelity. MyFi has the added convenience of room temperature reaction assembly, to avoid non-specific amplification and primer-dimer formation. MyFi generates new products with 3'-A overhangs, perfect for TA cloning.
Catalogue number: BIO-21119
Size: 2,500 Units
P type: PCR Enzymes & Mixes

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