LT-betaR, also known as lymphotoxin beta receptor and tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily member 3 is a 47 kD transmembrane protein containing 3 TNF receptor domains. The LT-betaR is a receptor for the heterotrimeric lymphotoxin complex (composed of LTalpha and LTbeta as well as LIGHT). LT-betaR is highly expressed in the lung, liver, and kidney and moderately expressed expressed in the heart and testes. LT-betaR is weakly expressed in the brain, thymus, spleen, and lymph nodes. The cytoplasmic tail of LT-betaR interacts with TRAF3, TRAF4, and TRAF5 as well as the hepatitis C virus core protein. Ligand binding to LT-betaR has been shown to induce apoptosis (via TRAF3 and TRAF5) and play a role in the development of lymphoid organs. The 31G4D8 antibody has been shown to be useful for flow cytometry, Western blot, immunoprepicitation and and ELISA (detection antibody). In addition, the 31G4D8 antibody is an agonistic antibody for the LT-betaR capable of inducing apoptosis (with IFN-gamma treatment).