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PFP7/C Clinical Flame Photometer

Cat no: PFP7/C Clinical Flame Photometer

Supplier: Bibby Scientific
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• Designed for clinical analysis
• Supplied with Na, K and Li filters
• Low temperature, single channel
• Flame failure safety system
• Operates with propane, butane, natural gas or LPG

The PFP7/C is a low temperature, single channel flame photometer that is specifically designed for use in clinical applications for the determination of sodium, potassium and lithium. The in-built lineariser circuitry of the PFP7/C enables readings of both sodium and potassium to be displayed directly in mmol/l. The series 7 diluter is available for use with the PFP7/C to enable serum samples to be diluted efficiently and accurately to the required ratios.

Catalogue number: PFP7/C Clinical Flame Photometer
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