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Rabbit Anti-Human SALL4 monoclonal antibody, clone 26I37M4

Cat no: CABT-L1587

Supplier: Creative Diagnostics
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Rabbit Anti-Human SALL4 monoclonal antibody for ChIP, FC, ICC, IF. Sall4 protein is encoded by the Sall4 gene located on chromosome 20 in humans and belongs to the Spalt-like protein family. It plays an important role in somatic stem cell maintenance and is studied as a stem cell biomarker. It is a zinc finger transcription factor that is upregulated during development and shown to interact with Oct4 and Sox2. It also forms a complex with Nanog to maintain the pluripotency of Embryonic Stem cells (ESCs). Several current research studies focus on its function as an oncogene and tumor biomarker. Some of the reported target genes of Sall4 include p53, Bmi-1, Bcl2 and XIAP.
Catalogue number: CABT-L1587
Reactivities: Human
Hosts: Rabbit
Applications: ChIP
Conjugates: Unconjugated
Clone: 26I37M4
Gene: 57167
Target: SALL4
Isotype: IgG
Clonality: Monoclonal
Storage temp: Store at 4°C short term. For long term storage, store at -20°C, avoiding freeze/thaw cycles.

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