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TRAP Staining Kit with Osteoplates

Cat no: AK104

Supplier: B-Bridge International, Inc.
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The body's bone mass is controlled by the balanced activities of osteoblasts and osteoclasts. Tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP) is a biomarker for the presence of osteoclasts. The two included 96-strip-well Osteoplates have a unique 3-dimensional structure that mimics in vivo bone for in vitro bone cell assays. This inorganic bone biomaterial surface in a multiple well plate is capable of supporting the functional properties of osteogenic cells. The assay surface is manufactured using a proprietary surface coating technology, which delivers lot-to-lot consistency, translating to consistent and reproducible results in bone cell assays. This surface also offers a consistent and defined alternative to preparing dentine or bone slices, reducing the variability in your assay systemand resulting in more predictable assay readouts.
Catalogue number: AK104
Size: 2 Osteoplates, Reagents for 10 plates

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