Recombinant Human C19orf12 fused with His tag at N-termina was expressed in E.coli.
Recombinant Human SYNDIG1 fused with N-terminal GST and C-terminal His was expressed in E.coli.
Recombinant Human PRRG4 fused with N-terminal GST and C-terminal His was expressed in E.coli.
Recombinant Human MMGT1 fused with His tag at N-termina was expressed in E.coli.
Recombinant Human C15orf48 fused with N-terminal GST and C-terminal His was expressed in E.coli.
Recombinant Human CRAD19 fused with His tag at N-terminal was expressed in E.coli.
Recombinant Human WFIKKN2 was expressed in CHO cells.
Recombinant Human PIK3IP1 fused with N-terminal GST and C-terminal His was expressed in E. coli.
Recombinant Human MRAP2 fused with N-terminal GST and C-terminal His was expressed in E. coli.
Recombinant Human EGFLAM fused with His tag at N-terminal was expressed in E.coli.
Recombinant Human BTLA(Lys31-Thr134) fused with His/DDK tag at N-terminal was expressed in HEK293.
Recombinant Human CCDC112 fused with His tag at N-terminal was expressed in E.coli.
Recombinant Human EMC10 fused with His/DDK tag at N-terminal was expressed in HEK293.
Recombinant Human TMEM189-UBE2V1 fused with His tag at C-terminal was expressed in E.coli.
Recombinant Human SERTM1 fused with N-terminal GST and C-terminal His was expressed in E. coli.
Recombinant Human UBE2Z fused with His tag at N-terminal was expressed in E.coli.
Recombinant Human UBE2I fused with GST tag at N-terminal was expressed in E.coli.