A conserved feature of APRT is the distribution of CpG dinucleotides. This enzyme catalyzes the formation of AMP and inorganic pyrophosphate from adenine and...
A conserved feature of APRT is the distribution of CpG dinucleotides. This enzyme catalyzes the formation of AMP and inorganic pyrophosphate from adenine and...
A conserved feature of APRT is the distribution of CpG dinucleotides. This enzyme catalyzes the formation of AMP and inorganic pyrophosphate from adenine and...
A compund from thermal decomposition of Capsaicin, as a possible carcinogen. Form: Yellow Oil Solubility: Chloroform, Dichloromethane, Methanol
A comppund used in the preparation of Acetildenafil analogs.
A compound used potentially for the radioiodination of monoclonal antibodies. Used in Antibody labelling. Form: Colourless Liquid Solubility:...
A compound used in the models of aquatic toxicity developed Form: Clear Colourless Liquid Solubility: hloroform, Ethyl Acetate
A compound used in products for promoting skin cleanliness and health. Form: Off-White Solid Melting Point: 52-55 degrees C Solubility: Chloroform, DMSO,...
A compound used in anti-corrosive coating material for the prevention of corrosion in metals. Form: Off-White Solid Melting Point: >200 degrees C (dec.)...
A compound isolated from different parts of Lonicera japonica Thunb.
A compound having PPAR ligand activity containing hydroxy fatty acids. Form: White Solid Melting Point: 92-94 degrees C Solubility: DMSO, Methanol
A compound contents in musts and wines from Vitis vinifera variety Cabernet Sauvignon Form: Clear Colourless Oil Solubility: Chloroform, Ethyl Acetate
A compound closely related to Enterolactone. A metabolite of sesame lignans (sesamin, sesamolin). Inhibits colonic cancer cell growth by inducing cell cycle...
A compound active at novel site on receptor-operated calcium channels useful for treatment of neurological disorders and diseases. Form: Pale Beige Solid...
A component of O-antigens of Pseudomonas aeruginosa
A component of herbicidal mixtures of cellulose biosynthesis inhibitors with VLCFA inhibitors.
A component of hair dyes. Form: White to Off-White Melting Point: >265 degrees C (dec.) Solubility: DMSO
A component of hair dyes. Form: White Solid Melting Point: 62-65 degrees C Solubility: Chloroform
A component of garlic which Form: White Solid Melting Point: 122-124 degrees C Solubility: DMSO, Methanol
A component of garlic which Form: White Solid Melting Point: 120-122 degrees C Solubility: DMSO, Methanol