Vimentin is the major subunit protein of the intermediate filaments of mesenchymal cells. It is believed to be involved with the intracellular transport of...
Vimentin is the major subunit protein of the intermediate filaments of mesenchymal cells. It is believed to be involved with the intracellular transport of...
Vimentin is the major subunit protein of the intermediate filaments of mesenchymal cells. It is believed to be involved with the intracellular transport of...
Vimentin is the 10nm or intermediate filament protein subunit found in many kinds of mesenchymal and epithelia cells, in many kinds of cells in tissue...
Vimentin is the major subunit protein of the intermediate filaments of mesenchymal cells. It is believed to be involved with the intracellular transport of...
Vimentins are class-III intermediate filaments specific to mesenchymal tissue. Vimentin is an important cytoskeletal component responsible for maintaining...
The VIM gene was one of many that Gieser and Swaroop (1992) recovered from a subtracted cDNA library for retinal pigment epithelium. Vimentin gene express in...
Vimentin is the major subunit protein of the intermediate filaments of mesenchumal cells, and has a molecular weight of 57kD. Immunohistochemical staining...
Vimentin is the major subunit protein of the intermediate filaments of mesenchumal cells, and has a molecular weight of 57kD. Immunohistochemical staining...
Vimentin is the major subunit protein of the intermediate filaments of mesenchumal cells, and has a molecular weight of 57kD. Immunohistochemical staining...
Applications: Suitable for use in Immunoblot and Immunohistochemistry (paraffin). Other applications not tested. Recommended Dilution: Optimal dilutions to...
Applications: Suitable for use in ELISA, Immunofluorescence, and Immunohistochemistry (paraffin). Other applications not tested. Recommended Dilution:...
Vimentin is a member of the intermediate filament protein family. Intermediate filaments are an important structural feature of eukaryotic cells. They, along...
Vimentin is a member of the intermediate filament protein family. Intermediate filaments are an important structural feature of eukaryotic cells. They, along...
Vimentin is a member of the intermediate filament protein family. Intermediate filaments are an important structural feature of eukaryotic cells. They, along...
Human vimentin is a 53,521 dalton protein (466 amino acids) expressed in many cell types of mesodermal origin, and is one of the intermediate filament types...
Human vimentin is a 53,521 dalton protein (466aa) expressed in many cell types of mesodermal origin, and is one of the intermediate filament types that form...
Vimentin is protein subunit of the 10 nm or intermediate filaments protein found in many kinds of mesenchymal and epithelia cells, in many kinds of cells in...
Vimentin is the major subunit protein of the intermediate filaments of mesenchymal cells. It is believed to be involved with the intracellular transport of...
Villin can cap, nucleate, sever and bundle actin in a Ca2+ and phosphoinositide-regulated manner. It is associated with the microvillar actin core bundle of...