The test can be used to detect SCBV in infected host plants.
The test can be used to detect SMYEV in infected host plans.
The test can be used to detect SqMV in infected cucurbit plans.
The test can be used to detect SLCV in host plants.
The test can be used to detect SBLV in infected host plants.
The test can be used to detect SVNV in infected plan tissues.
The test can be used to detect SMV in infected plan tissues and seeds.
The test can be used to detect SbDV in infected host plant tissues.
The test can be used to detect SoMV in infected host plants.
The test can be used to detect SCPMV in infected host plants.
The test can be used to detect SBMV in infected host plans.
The test can be used to detect SrMV in infected host plants.
The test can be used to detect SNMV in infected host plants.
The test can be used to detect SYSV in infected host plans.
The test can be used to detect SLV in infected host plans.
The test can be used to detect RYMV in infected host plants.
The test can be used to detect RSV in host plants.
The test can be used to detect RRSV in infected host plants.
The test can be used to detect RHBV in infected host plants.
The test can be used to detect RMV in infected host plans.