Established from the kidney clear cell carcinoma pT2, Nx, Mx/GI of a 61 years old male in 1999.
Established from the kidney clear cell carcinoma pT2, No, M0/GII of a 59 years old female in 1999; HLA-A2 negative.
Established from the kidney clear cell carcinoma pT2, N1, Mx/ GII-III (lung-metastasis) of a 63 years old male in 1997.
Established from the kidney clear cell carcinoma pT3a, No, M1/GIII of a 63 years old female in 1999; HLA-A2.1 positive.
Established from the kidney clear cell carcinoma pT3b, M1/GIII of a 59-years-old-male, 1999.
Established from the kidney clear cell carcinoma pT2, Mx, M1/ GII of a 46-years-old-male, 1999.
Established from the kidney clear cell carcinoma pT2, pM1, No/GII-III of a 65-years-old-female, 1999.
Established from the kidney clear cell carcinoma pT3a, Mo, No/ GI-II of a 63-years-old-male, 1999; HLA-A2 negative; PAS positive; Deletion VHL-gen.
Established from the kidney clear cell, pT3b, No, M1/ GIII (brain metastasis) carcinoma of a 56-years-old-male, 1999.
Established from the kidney clear cell carcinoma of a 69-years-old-male, pT2a, Nx, M1/ GII; 1999; HLA-A2 positive; PAS positive, G250 positive.
Established from the kidney clear cell carcinoma pT2a, M1/GII of a 69-years-old-male, 1999; PAS positive. The cells show high expression of P-170...
Established from the kidney clear cell carcinoma pT3a, N1, Mx/GIII of a 57-years-old-male, 1999.
Established in 1998 from non-tumor tissue of a 63-year-old-male diagnosed with kidney carcinoma.
Ultrastructural features include few microvilli, junctional complexes, well formed Golgi, mostly smooth ER, lipid droplets, no virus particles.
The cells express the transforming gene of adenovirus 5. Adenovirus 5 DNA from both the right and left ends of the viral genome are present. The line is...
Established in 1971 from the cutaneous metastasis of the kidney adenocarcinoma in a 49-year-old man.
Established from the sarcomatoid component of a grade III transitional cell carcinoma of the renal pelvis of a 64-year-old man in 1990; patient lived in a...