Lentiviral particles of FGGY carbohydrate kinase domain containing (FGGY), transcript variant 2 with C terminal Myc and Flag.
Lentiviral particles of FGFR1 oncogene partner (FGFR1OP), transcript variant 2 with C terminal Myc and Flag.
Lentiviral particles of fibroblast growth factor 8 (androgen-induced) (FGF8), transcript variant G with C terminal Myc and Flag.
Lentiviral particles of fibroblast growth factor 23 (FGF23) with C terminal Myc and Flag.
Lentiviral particles of fibroblast growth factor 13 (FGF13), transcript variant 4 with C terminal Myc and Flag.
Lentiviral particles of fibroblast growth factor 10 (FGF10) with C terminal Myc and Flag.
Lentiviral particles of FYVE, RhoGEF and PH domain containing 2 (FGD2) with C terminal Myc and Flag.
Lentiviral particles of free fatty acid receptor 1 (FFAR1) with C terminal Myc and Flag.
Lentiviral particles of FEV (ETS oncogene family) (FEV) with C terminal Myc and Flag.
Lentiviral particles of fermitin family member 2 (FERMT2), transcript variant 2 with C terminal Myc and Flag.
Lentiviral particles of flap structure-specific endonuclease 1 (FEN1) with C terminal Myc and Flag.
Lentiviral particles of ferredoxin 1-like (FDX1L), nuclear gene encoding mitochondrial protein with C terminal Myc and Flag.
Lentiviral particles of Fc receptor-like A (FCRLA), transcript variant 3 with C terminal Myc and Flag.
Lentiviral particles of Fc receptor-like 5 (FCRL5), transcript variant 2 with C terminal Myc and Flag.
Lentiviral particles of ficolin (collagen/fibrinogen domain containing) 3 (Hakata antigen) (FCN3), transcript variant 1 with C terminal Myc and Flag.
Lentiviral particles of FCH domain only 1 (FCHO1), transcript variant 1 with C terminal Myc and Flag.
Lentiviral particles of Fc fragment of IgG, low affinity IIIa, receptor (CD16a) (FCGR3A), transcript variant 1 with C terminal Myc and Flag.
Lentiviral particles of Fc fragment of IgG, high affinity Ib, receptor (CD64) (FCGR1B), transcript variant 2 with C terminal Myc and Flag.
Lentiviral particles of Fc fragment of IgA, receptor for (FCAR), transcript variant 3 with C terminal Myc and Flag.
Lentiviral particles of Fc fragment of IgA, receptor for (FCAR), transcript variant 6 with C terminal Myc and Flag.