For isolation of CD3+ CD62L+ CD45RO+ central memory T cells from peripheral blood mononuclear cells. The kit includes all Fab Streptamer components for...
For isolation of CD8+ CD62L+ CD45RA+ naive T cells from peripheral blood mononuclear cells. The kit includes all Fab Streptamer components for a triple...
For isolation of CD4+ CD25+ regulatory T cells from peripheral blood mononuclear cells. The kit includes all Fab Streptamer components for double positive...
For isolation of CD8+ T cells from peripheral blood mononuclear cells. The kit includes all Fab Streptamer components for positive cell isolation with...
StrepMAB-Classic (Strep-tag(R) II specific monoclonal antibody) conjugated to horseradish peroxidase. For the detection of N- or C-terminal or internal...
Biotin Elution Buffer BX comes with a high Biotin concentration for competitive displacement of purified recombinant Strep-tag(R) or Twin-Strep-tag(R) fusion...
MagStrep "type3" XT Beads (Strep-Tactin XT coated magnetic beads, 5 % (v/v) suspension) The beads have a high binding capacity combined with very low...
Strep-Tactin(R) Superflow(R) high capacity cartridge for one-step purification of recombinant Strep-tag(R) proteins with HPLC or FPLC. The cartridges are...
Gravity flowStrep-Tactin(R) Superflow(R) high capacity column for one-step purification of recombinant Strep-tag(R) proteins. The Strep-Tactin(R)...
Strep-tag(R) Protein Purification Buffer Set; convenient buffer set for the purification of recombinant Strep-tag(R) fusion proteins on immobilized...
The His-STREPPER is an adapter molecule comprising Strep-tagII (SA-WSHPQFEK) conjugated with a nickel charged tris-NTA. It tightly binds the 6xHis-tag and...
Strep/ 6xHistidine Starter Kit H-PR for purification of double tag proteins. This unique Starter Kit contains all reagents essential for the native...
The Strep-Tactin(R) Spin Column Kit allows rapid one-step purification of up to 150 micro g Strep-tag(R) proteins under physiological conditions in less than...
The Strep-tag(R) Starter Kit contains all essential reagents required for expression in E. coli, purification and detection of Strep-tag(R) proteins;...
Software for CRAIC microspectrometers to measure spectral response over time.Watch video HERE
Microscope able to image in UV, visible and NIR regionsWatch video HERE
Add Raman spectroscopy to your microscopeWatch video HERE
Add UV-visible-NIR and Fluorescence spectroscopy to your microscopeWatch Video HERE
UV-visible-NIR reflectance, absorbance, fluorescence and Raman spectra & imaging of microscopic samplesWatch our video HERE
Optimized for Super Resolution applications, this high-speed EMCCD has the capability to significantly reduce the time to collect confocal datasets by...