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Hypoxia inducible factor-1(alpha) (HIF-1(alpha)) is a transcription factor that accumulates under low-oxygen conditions. Following hypoxic stimulus and cytoplasmic accumulation, HIF-1(alpha) migrates to the nucleus where, with other transcription factors, it drives the production of stress-adaptive proteins. This response is essential for maintenance of normal oxidative physiology, however overexpression in cancer cells promotes tumor survival. HIF-1(alpha) is an EPAS-1 family member with phosphorylation dependent activities. HIF-1(alpha) will migrate to the apparent molecular weights of 110-125 kDa (by SDS-PAGE) depending on phosphorylation status. Positive controls include human, primate, and murine cell cultures grown in hypoxic conditions or treated with prolyl hydroxylase inhibitors such as DMOG (Item No. 71210), 2,4-DPD (Item No. 71200), desferrioxamine, or CoCl2. |