NPY is an abundant neuropeptide regulating a wide range of physiologic activities. Another member of the NPY family, PYY, is an inhibitory hormone secreted by digestive tract endocrine cells. PPY is a pancreatic hormone inhibiting secretion of enzymes and bicarbonate from the exocrine pancreas. The genes encoding PYY and PPY are thought to have arisen by gene duplication and are localized on chromosome 17q21.1. All 3 genes contain 4 exons with little or no intronic homology. PYY2, like PYY1, has 4 exons and conserved 5-prime and 3-prime flanking sequences as well as conserved introns 2 and 3.
Despite 92% identity between the PYY and PYY2 nucleotide sequences, PYY encodes a 98-amino acid protein and PYY2 encodes a 33-residue protein due to an alternative start site, as seen in bovine Pyy2 (seminalplasmin), and an early stop codon.