p-Aminohippuric acid (PAH) can be used to measure effective renal plasma flow (eRPF). At low doses, PAH is almost completely eliminated from the blood during a single pass through the kidney. Assuming complete clearance of PAH, the eRPF is equal to the ratio of PAH in urine to plasma multiplied by the urine flow. Uptake of PAH from blood into the tubular cells occurs by exchange with intracellular (alpha)-ketoglutarate and is mediated by the organic anion transporter 1. Therefore, PAH can also be used to measure net tubular organic anion secretion. Cayman's PAH Assay provides a colorimetric method for detecting PAH from plasma and urine samples. PAH reacts with 4-dimethylaminocinnamaldehyde (DACA) to produce a colored derivative, which can be measured by absorbance at 545 nm.