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Product Reference:
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?Cytotoxic pyridone alkaloids from the leaves of Piper aborescens: C.Y. Duh, et al.; J. Nat. Prod. 53, 1575 (1990)
?Antiproliferative effects of two amides, piperine and piplartine, from Piper species: D.P. Bezerra, et al.; Z. Naturforsch. C 60, 539 (2005)
?New cytotoxic cyclobutanoid amides, a new furanoid lignan and anti-platelet aggregation constituents from Piper arborescens: I.L. Tsai, et al.; Planta Med. 71, 535 (2005)
?Piplartine induces inhibition of leukemia cell proliferation triggering both apoptosis and necrosis pathways: D.P. Bezerra, et al.; Toxicol. In Vitro 21, 1 (2007)
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?Piplartine, an amide alkaloid from Piper tuberculatum, presents anxiolytic and antidepressant effects in mice: F.F. Cícero Bezerra, et al.; Phytomedicine 14, 605 (2007)
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?Piplartine induces caspase-mediated apoptosis in PC-3 human prostate cancer cells: E.H. Kong, et al.; Oncol. Rep. 20, 785 (2008)
?Antiplatelet effects of piplartine, an alkamide isolated from Piper tuberculatum: possible involvement of cyclooxygenase blockade and antioxidant activity: J.B. Fontenele, et al.; J. Pharm. Pharmacol. 61, 511 (2009)
?Piplartine induces genotoxicity in eukaryotic but not in prokaryotic model systems: D.P. Bezerra, et al.; Mutat. Res. 677, 8 (2009)
?Selective killing of cancer cells by a small molecule targeting the stress response to ROS: L. Raj, et al.; Nature 475, 231 (2011)
?Schistosoma mansoni: In vitro schistosomicidal activity of piplartine: J. Moraes, et al.; Exp. Parasitol. 127, 357 (2011)
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