Turbo Broth(TM) is a unique media formulation designed to improve recombinant protein production. Unique media formulations Improve recombinant protein...
Appearance: White to off white, homogenous, free flowing powder. Solubility: Colorless to light yellow, clear, complete. pH: As Reported
RPMI-1640 was developed by Moore, et. al. at Roswell Park Memorial Institute, hence the acronym RPMI.
Appearance: Off white to yellow homogenous free flowing powder Solubility (10.4g/L): Colorless to light yellow, clear, complete pH: 8.0 to 9.0 Endotoxin:...
Amies fomulated a medium for transport of microorganisms using a balanced salt solution. Amies Medium without Charcoal is a non-nutritional, phosphate...
Shields and Sang M3 Insect medium supports the rapid growth of both primary and established cultures of Drosophila cell lines.
Yeast Nitrogen Base (YNB) media have been prepared according the formulae of Wickerham (1943-51) and Burkholder (1943). YNB is a well defined composition of...
Medium BGJ was originally developed by Biggers, Gwatkin and Judah in the early 1960's at the Wistar Institute. Subsequent studies resulted in a modification...
RPMI 1640 is used for the culture of human normal and neoplastic leukocytes. RPMI 1640 was developed by Moore et al. at Roswell Park Memorial Institute.
Brain-Heart Infusion Broth is used for the cultivation of a wide variety of fastidious organisms. Rosenow1 prepared a rich medium for culturing streptococci...
RPMI-1640 was developed by Moore et. al. at Roswell Park Memorial Institute, hence the acronym RPMI.
RPMI-1640 was developed by Moore, et. al. at Roswell Park Memorial Institute, hence the acronym RPMI.
Yeast Nitrogen Base (YNB) media have been prepared according the formulae of Wickerham (1943-51) and Burkholder (1943). Their research on the nutritional...
CMRL-1066 is a chemically defined medium developed in the late 1960's at the Connaugh Medical Research Laboratories. CMRL-1066 was designed initially for use...
RPMI 1640 is used for the culture of human normal and neoplastic leukocytes. RPMI 1640 was developed by Moore et. al. at Roswell Park Memorial Institute....
Appearance: Light tan to pink, homogenous, free flowing powder Solubility: Magenta to red, clear, complete pH: As Reported Endotoxin: (same/less than)1EU/ml
Minimum Essential Medium (MEM), developed by Harry Eagle, is one of the most widely used of all synthetic cell culture media. Early attempts to cultivate...
RPMI-1640 was developed by Moore, et. al. at Roswell Park Memorial Institute, hence the acronym RPMI.
Suitable for use in culturing heterotropic marine bacteria. This formulation simulates the mineral composition of sea water.
One of the most commonly used plant culture media, Murashige and Skoog Medium has proven effective in the culture of tissue derived from moncotyledons and...