Methylation of DNA at cytosine residues plays an important role in regulation of gene expression, genomic imprinting and is essential for mammalian...
DMP-1 (Dentin matrix protein1) is a member of the integrin ligand N-linked glycoprotein family.It is mostly found in bone, tooth and hypertrophic cartilage....
DNA methylation can help regulate transcriptional silencing via repressive transcription complexes, which include methyl-CpG-binding domain protein and...
Xenopus Dickkopf (Dkk)-1 was initially discovered as a Wnt antagonist that plays an important role in head formation. By far, four members of Dkk have been...
Xenopus Dickkopf (Dkk)-1 was initially discovered as a Wnt antagonist that plays an important role in head formation. By far, four members of Dkk have been...
Apoptosis plays an important role in many cellular processes. Dio-1 (Death Inducer- Obliterator-1), a putative transcription factor, has been indicated to...
Dicer is an RNaseIII-like enzyme which cleaves double-stranded RNA into 21-23 nucleotide (nt) RNAs. These RNAs are referred to as siRNA (short interfering...
Diacylglycerol acyltransferase is also known as DGAT1 is a microsomal enzyme. It is involved in the synthesis of fatty acids into triglycerides. DGAT...
During apoptosis, various stimuli activate a protease cascade of caspases that eventually cause degradation of chromosomal DNA. DFF45 (DNA fragmentation...
DFF is composed of two subunits: DFF40/CAD and DFF45/ICAD. Human DFF45 and its mouse homolog ICAD are the inhibitors of DFF40 and CAD, respectively. Cleavage...
Cell death signal are transduced by death domain (DD), death effector domain (DED), and caspase recruitment domain (CARD) containing molecules. A novel...
Decorin is a member of the small, leucine-rich proteoglycan (SLRP) family along with biglycan. Found in the interterritorial region of cartilage, decorin...
Decorin is a member of the small, leucine-rich proteoglycan (SLRP) family along with biglycan. Found in the interterritorial region of cartilage, decorin...
Cytochrome c (MW 12500) is an electron transport protein from mitochondria. It is released from mitochondria to cytoplasm during the early stages of...
Cytochrome c (m.w. 12,500) is an electron transport protein from mitochondria. It is released from mitochondria to cytoplasm during the early stages of...
Cytochrome c (MW 12500) is an electron transport protein from mitochondria. It is released from mitochondria to cytoplasm during the early stages of...
Cytochrome c (m.w. 12,500) is an electron transport protein from mitochondria. It is released from mitochondria to cytoplasm during the early stages of...
Cystatin B (stefin B, NCPI) is a natural inhibitor of lysosomal cysteine proteases (cathepsins). Its expression seems to be connected to the regulation of...
Cystatin A (acid cysteine proteinase inhibitor, ACPI) is a natural inhibitor of cysteine proteinases and is located mainly in the keratohyaline granules of...
Cyr61 is a member of angiogenic and vasculogenic regulators designated CCN proteins, which includes CTGF, Cyr61 homolog, Fisp2. Cyr61 functions as an...