Human CKB is a protein of 381aa (~45kD), expressed in a number of tissues. CKB is most abundant in adult brain, approx. 5-fold lower in the stomach, 10-fold...
Human CKB is a protein of 381aa (~45kD), expressed in a number of tissues. CKB is most abundant in adult brain, ~5-fold lower in the stomach, 10-fold lower...
Factor B is an acute-phase protein. Levels of factor B increase during inflammation. Complement factor B is a single-chain molecule of 764aa (MW of 90kD),...
Factor B is an acute-phase protein. Levels of factor B increase during inflammation. Complement factor B is a single-chain molecule of 764aa (MW of 90kD),...
Factor B is an acute-phase protein. Levels of factor B increase during inflammation. Complement factor B is a single- chain molecule of 764aa (MW 90kD),...
The complement system is an important factor in innate immunity. The third complement component, C3, is central to the classical, alternative and lectin...
In the course of complement activation the C3a receptor functions as the cell surface receptor for the anaphylatoxin C3a, the C-terminal 77aa cleavage...
In the course of complement activation the C3a receptor functions as the cell surface receptor for the anaphylatoxin C3a, the C-terminal 77aa cleavage...
In the course of complement activation the C3a receptor functions as the cell surface receptor for the anaphylatoxin C3a, the C-terminal 77aa cleavage...
The complement factor C3 consists of an alpha- and a beta-chain. C3 is a central factor in the complement cascade. It is central to the alternative pathway...
The complement system is an important factor in innate immunity. The third complement component, C3, is central to the classical, alternative and lectin...
RP105 is a type 1 transmembrane protein of 105kD with extracellular leucine-rich repeats (LLRs) and a short cytoplasmic tail. RP105, assigned as CD180, is...
VCAM-1 (~81kD) is a member of a subclass of the immunoglobulin superfamily (IgSF). IgSF members are ligands for integrins. Cell adhesion molecules (CAMs)...
The rat anaphylatoxin C5a, a 77aa glycopolypeptide generated by proteolytic cleavage of C5, is one of the most potent inflammatory chemo attractants and...
CD71 is a 200kD glycoprotein composed of two identical, disulfide-linked chains. Each chain is capable of binding transferrin, an iron-transport molecule....
Nouse CD36 (85kD) is a cell surface class B scavenger receptor. Recently, CD36 has been identified as a protein that is required for TLR2 recognition of...
Complement comprises a system of soluble serum proteins that, upon activiation by antibody (classical pathway), sugars (lectin pathway), or bacterial and...
CML is known to be formed from the oxidation of both carbohydrates and lipids. This makes CML a biomarker of general oxidative stress. Carboxymethyl-lysine...
C3g itself however is a small fragment probably not formed in vivo. The complement system is an important factor in innate immunity. The third complement...
This 'D' antigen is found on C3, C3b, iC3b, C3dg and C3d. The complement system is an important factor in innate immunity. The third complement component,...