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Urine Eicosanoid Metabolites Analysis Service
Urine Eicosanoid Metabolites Analysis Service
MtoZ Biolabs

Prostanoids, also known as eicosanoids, are a family of signaling molecules produced and secreted by various types of cells under both normal and...

Diacylglycerol Analysis Service
Diacylglycerol Analysis Service
MtoZ Biolabs

Diacylglycerol (DAG), also known as diglyceride, consists of two fatty acid chains and a glycerol molecule. It primarily exists in two forms:...

Cholesteryl Ester Analysis Service
Cholesteryl Ester Analysis Service
MtoZ Biolabs

Cholesteryl esters derived from cholesterol, are dietary lipids. They form when enzymes in the human body metabolize cholesterol with an ester bond between...

Carbon Metabolism Analysis Service
Carbon Metabolism Analysis Service
MtoZ Biolabs

Carbon metabolism analysis in MtoZ Biolabs encompasses both one carbon metabolism and central carbon metabolism. The metabolism of certain amino acids can...

Amino Acids and Their Derivatives Analysis Service
Amino Acids and Their Derivatives Analysis Service
MtoZ Biolabs

Amino acids are biologically important organic compounds, composed of amine (-NH2) and carboxylic acid (-COOH) functional groups, along with a side chain...

Ionomics Analysis Service
Ionomics Analysis Service
MtoZ Biolabs

The ionome refers to the complete set of ions in an organism, including all metals, metalloids, and non-metals. High-throughput elemental analysis techniques...

Tumor Immunology Analysis Service
Tumor Immunology Analysis Service
MtoZ Biolabs

During the tumor formation process, cancer cells release various cytokines and growth factors into the surroundings and reprogram many other types of cells...

Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Analysis Service
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Analysis Service
MtoZ Biolabs

Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a classic systemic autoimmune disorder characterized by impaired autoimmune tolerance and high concentration of...

GO Functional Annotation and Enrichment Analysis Service
GO Functional Annotation and Enrichment Analysis Service
MtoZ Biolabs

The Gene Ontology (GO) is a database created by the Gene Ontology Consortium to provide a standardized vocabulary for gene and protein functions across...

COG Functional Annotation Analysis Service
COG Functional Annotation Analysis Service
MtoZ Biolabs

The COG (Clusters of Orthologous Groups) database is an early and widely used resource for the homologous classification of gene products, based on extensive...

Differential Proteins Clustering Analysis Service
Differential Proteins Clustering Analysis Service
MtoZ Biolabs

To validate the selection of differentially expressed proteins or characteristic differentially expressed proteins, cluster analysis can be performed to...

S-Nitrosylation Analysis Service
S-Nitrosylation Analysis Service
MtoZ Biolabs

S-nitrosylation (SNO) is the covalent attachment of some nitroso (NO) groups to sulfhydryl residues (S) in proteins, forming S-nitrosothiols (SNOs). These...

Quantitative Acetylomics Service
Quantitative Acetylomics Service
MtoZ Biolabs

Acylation is a post-translational modification involving the attachment of acyl groups, such as acyl-CoA, to proteins. This modification plays a pivotal role...

Multipathway Phosphoproteomics Service
Multipathway Phosphoproteomics Service
MtoZ Biolabs

Protein phosphorylation is a reversible post-translational modification where amino acid residues in proteins are phosphorylated by kinases, which attach...

Mass Spectrometry-Based Peptide Identification Service
Mass Spectrometry-Based Peptide Identification Service
MtoZ Biolabs

Peptides, structurally akin to proteins, are molecules composed of amino acid sequences. They play pivotal roles in regulating blood pressure, modulating...

Exogenous Metabolite Analysis Service
Exogenous Metabolite Analysis Service
MtoZ Biolabs

Exogenous metabolites refer to external chemical substances, which can be either toxic or harmless. These exogenous metabolites include not only drugs but...

Unknown Metabolite Identification Analysis Service
Unknown Metabolite Identification Analysis Service
MtoZ Biolabs

Metabolomics generally divides the credibility of metabolite identification into the following four dimensions: compounds reliably identified (Level 1),...

Structure Activity Relationship (SAR) Analysis Service
Structure Activity Relationship (SAR) Analysis Service
MtoZ Biolabs

Structure-activity relationship (SAR) technology plays an increasingly important role in dealing with large and ever-expanding data sources. SAR techniques...

Obesity Related Immune Factors Analysis Service
Obesity Related Immune Factors Analysis Service
MtoZ Biolabs

Obesity is a systemic disease, not only does it lead to changes in body shape, but it also brings along various diseases and complications, affecting an...

Immune Regulation Related Factors Analysis Service
Immune Regulation Related Factors Analysis Service
MtoZ Biolabs

To maintain the immune system's homeostasis, multiple control systems are essential for managing infections, inhibiting tumor growth, preventing...

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