Secretoglobins (also called lipophilins or mammaglobins) are small secreted proteins of endocrine-responsive organs and mucosal epithelia that form...
Src is the human homolog of the v-Src gene of the Rous sarcoma virus, also known as avian sarcoma virus or ASV. Src is the first proto-oncogenic non-receptor...
The Ku protein is localized in the nucleus and is composed of subunits referred to as Ku-70 (or p70) and Ku-86 (or p86), which is also known by the synonym...
IRS-1, a major substrate of the insulin receptor, is phosphorylated in response to stimulation of cells by insulin, insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) and...
The transcription factor NFkB is retained in the cytoplasm in an inactive form by the inhibitory protein IkB. Activation of NFkB requires that IkB be...
Histones are basic nuclear proteins that are responsible for the nucleosome structure of the chromosomal fiber in eukaryotes. Nucleosomes consist of...
HDAC5 is a member of the class II mammalian histone deacetylase family, which is structurally related to yeast HDA1. Human HDAC5 is composed of 1122 amino...
In the intact cell, DNA closely associates with histones and other nuclear proteins to form chromatin. The remodeling of chromatin is believed to be a...
Glycogen synthase kinase 3, or GSK-3, is a serine/threonine, proline-directed kinase involved in a diverse array of signaling pathways, including glycogen...
The glucocorticoid receptor (GR) is an ubiquitously expressed transcription factor that mediates the effects of glucocorticoids. The most abundant isoform is...
GAD-65 and GAD-67 are members of the group II decarboxylase family of proteins and are responsible for catalyzing the rate limiting step in the production of...
In contrast to growth factors which promote cell proliferation, FAS ligand (FAS-L) and the tumor necrosis factors (TNFs) rapidly induce apoptosis. Cellular...
Ephrin-B1 transduces outside-in signals through C-terminal protein interactions that effect integrin-mediated cell attachment and migration. The distribution...
The E2F transcription factors are essential for regulation of the cell cycle. Physiological E2F is a heterodimer composed of an E2F subunit together with a...
Members of the Dynamin family, including Dynamin I and Dynamin II, are GTPase, microtubule-associated proteins which are involved in endocytosis, synaptic...
Apoptosis, or programmed cell death, occurs duringnormal cellular differentiation and development of multicellular organisms. Apoptosis is induced by certain...
Dopaminergic signaling pathways, which are essential for multiple brain functions, are abnormal in several neurological disorders, such as schizophrenia,...
The inactive ternary complex of cyclin D/CDK4 and p27 Kip1 requires extracellular mitogenic stimuli for the release and degradation of p27 concomitant with a...
In eukaryotic cells, mitosis is initiated following the activation of a protein kinase known variously as maturation-promoting factor, M-phase specific...
Cell cycle events are regulated by the sequential activation and deactivation of cyclin dependent kinases (Cdks) and by proteolysis of cyclins. Chk1 and Chk2...