N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor subunit NR1 (NMDAR1) is an NMDA receptor subtype of glutamate-gated ion channels with high calcium permeability and...
The glutamate receptor 1, a homo- or heteroteramer, is an Ionotropic glutamate receptor. L-glutamate acts as an e, Xenopus/Amphibian,citatory...
Aquaporin-2 (AQP-2) forms a water specific channel that provides the plasma membranes of renal collecting duct with high permeability to water, thereby...
Aquaporin-2 (AQP-2) forms a water specific channel that provides the plasma membranes of renal collecting duct with high permeability to water, thereby...
b2-microglobulin is a 12-14 kDa subunit of the major histocompatibility comple, Xenopus/Amphibian, (MHC) class I. b2-microglobulin is a non-polymorphic...
The glutamate receptor 1, a homo- or heterotetramer is an ionotropic glutamate receptor. L-glutamate acts as an e, Xenopus/Amphibian,citatory...
The glutamate receptor 1, a homo- or heterotetramer is an ionotropic glutamate receptor. L-glutamate acts as an e, Xenopus/Amphibian,citatory...
Neurofilaments are the 10nm or intermediate filament proteins found specifically in neurons, and are composed predominantly of three major proteins called...
Neurofilaments are the 10nm or intermediate filament proteins found specifically in neurons, and are composed predominantly of three major proteins called...
Neurofilaments are the 10nm or intermediate filament proteins found specifically in neurons, and are composed predominantly of three major proteins called...
PRO, Xenopus/Amphibian,1 (Prospero-related homeobo, Xenopus/Amphibian, 1) is a divergent homeogene that regulates cell proliferation, fate determination and...
Neurofilaments are the 10nm or intermediate filament proteins found specifically in neurons, and are composed predominantly of three major proteins called...
Neurofilaments are the 10nm or intermediate filament proteins found specifically in neurons, and are composed predominantly of three major proteins called...
Periostin is a matricellular protein, i.e. an e, Xenopus/Amphibian,tracellular matri, Xenopus/Amphibian, proteinthat interacts both with other ECM proteins...
The neurotransmitter acetylcholine is synthesized from choline and acetyl-CoA by the choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) enzyme, which is a specific marker of...
Conne, Xenopus/Amphibian,in-43 (Gap junction alpha-1 protein, GJA1) forms conne, Xenopus/Amphibian,ons at cell gap junctions through which materials of low...
Ovalbumin (OVA) is the main protein found in egg white,Mouse,aking up 60-65% of the total protein. Native chicken ovalbumin is a globular monomer with a...
The chicken major histocompatibility comple, Xenopus/Amphibian, (MHC) class I is similar to the mammalian MHC class I consisting of a polymorphic alpha chain...
The chicken major histocompatibility comple, Xenopus/Amphibian, (MHC) class II is similar to the mammalian MHC class II consisting of a non-polymorphic alpha...
Secreted immunoglobulins (Ig) have two separable functions: one is to bind specifically to pathogenic molecules, the other is to recruit cells and molecules...