RPMI-1640 was developed by Moore et. al. at Roswell Park Memorial Institute, hence the acronym RPMI.
Yeast Nitrogen Base (YNB) media have been prepared according the formulae of Wickerham (1943-51) and Burkholder (1943). Their research on the nutritional...
Yeast Nitrogen Base (YNB) media have been prepared according the formulae of Wickerham (1943-51) and Burkholder (1943). Their research on the nutritional...
Kit Components Individually packaged P9102-41B1: LB Broth (Miller) 1x1L P9102-41B2: Glucose M9Y 1x1L P9102-41B3: Turbo BrothTM 1x1L P9102-41B4: Glucose...
LB Booster(TM) is a medium additive which increases the level of production of recombinant proteins.
LB Booster(TM) is a medium additive which increases the level of production of recombinant proteins.Particularly suitable for improving the productivity of...
Glucose M9Y medium, used to cultivate E. coli, is a minimal medium formulation supplemented with yeast extract. It is based on M9 salts with a pH of 6.9
Hyper Broth(TM) is a proprietary medium formulation for improved expression of recombinant proteins in E. coli. The medium is a complex, rich formulation...
Power Broth(TM)
Superior Broth(TM) and Superior Prime Broth(TM) are proprietary medium formulations for improved expression of recombinant proteins in E. coli.
Superior Broth(TM) and Superior Prime Broth(TM) are proprietary medium formulations for improved expression of recombinant proteins in E. coli.
Turbo Broth(TM) and Turbo Prime Broth(TM) are proprietary media formulations used for the cultivation of recombinant strains of E. coli. Turbo Prime...
Turbo Broth(TM) and Turbo Prime
Turbo Broth(TM) and Turbo Prime
Glucose and micronutrient supplement for Protein Expression Media, HyperBroth(TM) (Powder) pEX(TM) (P9102-40D) and Protein Expression Media, M9Y (Glucose)...
Rich media base for propagation of Escherichia coli, specifically designed to be used with the Media Optimization Kit, cat# P9102-40. LB Broth media...
SFM Screening Kit is intended for researchers seeking to identify the most appropriate SFM formulation, from among our versions, for a specific cell type....
Media Optimization Kit(TM)
Glucose M9Y medium, used to cultivate E. coli, is a minimal medium formulation supplemented with yeast extract. It is based on M9 salts with a pH of 6.9