The C80 cell line was established from a 69-year old male patient with a moderately well differentiated adenocarcinoma of the rectum classified as Dukes'...
The C75 cell line was established from a 56-year old male patient with a moderately well differentiated adenocarcnoma of the sigmoid colon classified as...
The C70 cell line was established from a 60-year old female patient with a moderately well differentiated adenocarcinoma of the sigmoid colon classified as...
The C32 cell line was established from a 66-year old female patient with a well differentiated adenocarcinoma of the colon classified as Dukes' stage C.
The C106 cell line was established from a 78-year old female patient with a moderately well differentiated adenocarcinoma of the rectum classified as Dukes'...
The C10 cell line was established from a 71-year old male patient with moderately well differentiated adenocarcinoma of the descending colon classified as...
Genetically modified HRA-19a1.1 cells expressing a chimeric alpha2 integrin with the extracellular and transmembrane domain of alpha2 integrin and the...
Genetically modified HRA-19a1.1 cells expressing wild-type alpha2 integrin.
Genetically modified HRA-19a1.1 cells expressing wild-type alpha2 integrin
Subpopulations isolated from the HCA-7 cell line following butyrate treatment.
Genetically modified HRA-19a1.1 cells expressing a chimeric alpha2 integrin with the extracellular and transmembrane domain of alpha2 integrin and the...
Established from the rectum of a 56 year-old male patient. Epithelial-like moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma. Imperial College Innovations has stated...