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Bioworld Technology, Inc.

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BSG / EMMPRIN (Q370) pAb
BSG / EMMPRIN (Q370) pAb
Bioworld Technology, Inc.

Extracellular matrix metalloproteinase inducer (EMMPRIN), also designated basigin or CD147, is involved in the regulation of matrix remodeling at the...

CIITA (T740) pAb
CIITA (T740) pAb
Bioworld Technology, Inc.

The transactivator CIITA regulates basal and interferon-induced expression of MHC class II genes. CIITA restores expression of all MHC II gene expression in...

TCF-3 (N601) pAb
TCF-3 (N601) pAb
Bioworld Technology, Inc.

Heterodimers between TCF3 and tissue specific basic helix loop helix (bHLH) proteins play major roles in determining tissue specific cell fate during...

UDG (H221) pAb
UDG (H221) pAb
Bioworld Technology, Inc.

The human UNG-gene encodes nuclear (UNG2) and mitochondrial (UNG1) forms of uracil-DNA glycosylase using differentially regulated promoters, PA and PB, and...

Fes (K161) pAb
Fes (K161) pAb
Bioworld Technology, Inc.

FES is a protooncogene that encodes a protein-tyrosine kinase distinct from c-Src, c-Abl and other nonreceptor tyrosine kinases. FES was originally...

ErbB2/HER2 (K676) pAb
ErbB2/HER2 (K676) pAb
Bioworld Technology, Inc.

The EGF receptor family comprises several related receptor tyrosine kinases that are frequently overexpressed in a variety of carcinomas. Members of this...

Myc (K422) pAb
Myc (K422) pAb
Bioworld Technology, Inc.

c-Myc-, N-Myc- and L-Myc-encoded proteins function in cell proliferation, differentiation and neoplastic disease. Myc proteins are nuclear proteins with...

LMX1B (D159) pAb
LMX1B (D159) pAb
Bioworld Technology, Inc.

The Lim class homeobox gene Lmx1b is required for the normal development of the dopaminergic system. Loss of dopaminergic neurons is associated with one of...

NY-CO-1 (K914) pAb
NY-CO-1 (K914) pAb
Bioworld Technology, Inc.

Protein names: Nuclear export mediator factor NEMF; Serologically defined colon cancer antigen 1; Gene names: NEMF; SDCCAG1. Function: Plays a role in...

Zic1/2/3 (D348) pAb
Zic1/2/3 (D348) pAb
Bioworld Technology, Inc.

Zic1 encodes a zinc finger protein expressed in the developing or matured central nervous system in a highly restricted manner. Zic is expressed in granule...

TWEAK (P73) pAb
TWEAK (P73) pAb
Bioworld Technology, Inc.

TWEAK is a cytokine that belongs to the tumor necrosis factor (TNF) ligand family. This protein is a ligand for the FN14/TWEAKR receptor. It is widely...

p73 (P298) pAb
p73 (P298) pAb
Bioworld Technology, Inc.

p73 protein is a member of the p53 family of proteins. The tumor-suppressor protein p53 exhibits sequence specific DNA binding, directly interacts with...

EphB6 (D881) pAb
EphB6 (D881) pAb
Bioworld Technology, Inc.

Ephrin receptors and their ligands, the ephrins, mediate numerous developmental processes, particularly in the nervous system. Based on their structures and...

TIF1(alpha) (Q1034) pAb
TIF1(alpha) (Q1034) pAb
Bioworld Technology, Inc.

The protein mediates transcriptional control by interaction with the activation function 2 (AF2) region of several nuclear receptors, including the estrogen,...

Hrs (R481) pAb
Hrs (R481) pAb
Bioworld Technology, Inc.

The hepatocyte growth factor-regulated tyrosine kinase substrate (Hrs) is a zinc-finger protein that interacts with STAM and undergoes tyrosine...

Cdc7 (F35) pAb
Cdc7 (F35) pAb
Bioworld Technology, Inc.

DNA replication in eukaryotic cells is dependent on the phosphorylation of the pre-replicative complex (preRC) at the origin of replication. Two complexes of...

TIMP3 (N119) pAb
TIMP3 (N119) pAb
Bioworld Technology, Inc.

The tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases (TIMPs) are naturally occurring proteins that specifically inhibit matrix metalloproteinases and regulate...

VAV2 (D138) pAb
VAV2 (D138) pAb
Bioworld Technology, Inc.

VAV2 is a ubiquitously expressed structural homolog of the VAV protooncogene that is expressed preferentially in hematopoetic cells. Both proteins are...

ARHGEF2 (P881) pAb
ARHGEF2 (P881) pAb
Bioworld Technology, Inc.

GEFs catalyze the release of GDP from inactive Ras proteins to ena-ble GTP binding. Lfc (also designated Rho/Rac guanine nucleotide exchange factor 2,...

Nibrin / NBS1 (G274) pAb
Nibrin / NBS1 (G274) pAb
Bioworld Technology, Inc.

The p95 gene (identical to NBS1 and nibrin) is a member of the hMre11/hRad50 double-strand break complex (MRN complex). This protein complex has been...

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