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MtoZ Biolabs

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Antibody Epitope Mapping Service
Antibody Epitope Mapping Service
MtoZ Biolabs

MtoZ Biolabs has established an innovative EpiLink(TM) technical platform, which can outline the overall protein architecture via identifying direct binding...

Oligonucleotide Molecular Weight Analysis Service
Oligonucleotide Molecular Weight Analysis Service
MtoZ Biolabs

Oligonucleotides, composed of 2 to 20 nucleotide units, are increasingly utilized in disease diagnosis and therapeutic applications. They facilitate the...

Oligonucleotide Sequence Analysis Service
Oligonucleotide Sequence Analysis Service
MtoZ Biolabs

Oligonucleotide sequence analysis is a biotechnological method for identifying the types and sequences of nucleotides in short DNA or RNA fragments...

Medical Device III Special Analysis Service
Medical Device III Special Analysis Service
MtoZ Biolabs

Class III medical devices are medical devices that pose potential danger to the human body and require strict control to ensure their safety and...

HCD Fragment Detection Service With CE and qPCR
HCD Fragment Detection Service With CE and qPCR
MtoZ Biolabs

Apart from the quantity of DNA, the size distribution of residual DNA fragments is also an important factor related to carcinogenicity and infectivity. Due...

Comprehensive Host Cell DNA (HCD) Detection Service
Comprehensive Host Cell DNA (HCD) Detection Service
MtoZ Biolabs

Several methodologies are employed for quantifying rDNA within biological processes. These include traditional methods (PicoGreen method, hybridization...

ICP-MS Trace Element Detection Service
ICP-MS Trace Element Detection Service
MtoZ Biolabs

Trace elements such as arsenic, chromium, cadmium, copper, iron, mercury, nickel, lead, and molybdenum, although present in very small contents in organisms,...

Hyaluronic Acid Quality Control Testing Service
Hyaluronic Acid Quality Control Testing Service
MtoZ Biolabs

Hyaluronic Acid (HA), also known as Sodium Hyaluronate, is a high molecular weight linear polymer with repeating disaccharide units, each comprising a...

Collagen Analysis Service
Collagen Analysis Service
MtoZ Biolabs

Collagen is a basic component of the extracellular matrix and the most abundant protein in the animal body, accounting for about 30% of the total protein. It...

Exosome Studies Service
Exosome Studies Service
MtoZ Biolabs

All cells release extracellular vesicles (EVs) as crucial part of their normal physiological activities. There are mainly two types of EVs: ectosomes and...

Bacterial Contraction Injection System Service
Bacterial Contraction Injection System Service
MtoZ Biolabs

One of the main obstacles in drug development is how to deliver drugs effectively to target cells. In general, macromolecules such as proteins and mRNA...

Comprehensive DNA Extraction and Purification Service
Comprehensive DNA Extraction and Purification Service
MtoZ Biolabs

The sample preparation process encompasses: (1) releasing DNA from samples and cells through lysis, (2) isolating DNA, (3) purifying DNA by removing...

MS-Based Protein Corona Characterization Service | Nanoparticles
MS-Based Protein Corona Characterization Service | Nanoparticles
MtoZ Biolabs

The protein corona of nanoparticles exhibits several advantageous properties. Firstly, it can selectively enrich or deplete specific proteins within the...

Peptide Drug Analysis Service
Peptide Drug Analysis Service
MtoZ Biolabs

Peptides are compounds formed by multiple amino acids linked by peptide bonds and can be prepared via recombinant DNA expression, biological extraction, or...

Other Post-Translational Modification Analysis Service
Other Post-Translational Modification Analysis Service
MtoZ Biolabs

Post-translational modifications (PTMs) are the various chemical modifications that proteins undergo after translation is complete. Proteins are subject to a...

Single B-cell Screening and Antibody Research Development
Single B-cell Screening and Antibody Research Development
MtoZ Biolabs

Monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) are monovalent proteins expressed by B cells, capable of precisely targeting 3D epitopes, which makes it a compelling...

Antibody De Novo Sequencing Service for R&D | Mass Spec
Antibody De Novo Sequencing Service for R&D | Mass Spec
MtoZ Biolabs

Antibodies bind to various antigens with high affinity and specificity, playing a crucial role in adaptive immune response to infections and can also mediate...

Comprehensive Host Cell Residual RNA Detection Service
Comprehensive Host Cell Residual RNA Detection Service
MtoZ Biolabs

DNA products such as plasmid/minicircle DNA can serve as primary part of DNA vaccine products or as important raw material for viral vectors or DNA vector of...

HCP Antibody Effectiveness Analysis Service
HCP Antibody Effectiveness Analysis Service
MtoZ Biolabs

There are primarily two methods for evaluating antibody coverage: 2D Western blot or Antibody Affinity Extraction (AAE). In the production and purification...

HCP Antibody Development Service
HCP Antibody Development Service
MtoZ Biolabs

Ideally, any technology for detecting Host Cell Proteins (HCPs) should: (i) detect protein concentrations across a wide dynamic range, from very low to much...

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