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Product Reference:
?1400W is a slow, tight binding, and highly selective inhibitor of inducible nitric-oxide synthase in vitro and in vivo: E.P. Garvey, et al.; J. Biol. Chem. 272, 4959 (1997)
?Selective inhibition of inducible nitric oxide synthase inhibits tumor growth in vivo: studies with 1400W, a novel inhibitor: L.L. Thomsen, et al.; Cancer Res. 57, 3300 (1997)
?Actions of isoform-selective and non-selective nitric oxide synthase inhibitors on endotoxin-induced vascular leakage in rat colon: F. Laszlo & B.J.R. Whittle; Eur. J. Pharmacol. 334, 99 (1997)
?The inhibitory potency and selectivity of arginine substrate site nitric-oxide synthase inhibitors is solely determined by their affinity toward the different isoenzymes: R. Boer, et al.; Mol. Pharmacol. 58, 1026 (2000)
?Nitric oxide synthases: structure, function and inhibition: W.K. Alderton, et al.; Biochem. J. 357, 593 (2001)
?Structural basis for the specificity of the nitric-oxide synthase inhibitors W1400 and Nomega-propyl-L-Arg for the inducible and neuronal isoforms: R. Fedorov, et al.; J. Biol. Chem. 278, 45818 (2003)
?Increased vasoconstriction to noradrenaline by 1400W, inhibitor of iNOS, in rats with streptozotocin-induced diabetes: X. Cheng & C.C. Pang; Eur. J. Pharmacol. 484, 263 (2004)
?Inhibition of iNOS with 1400W improves contractile function and alters nos gene and protein expression in reperfused skeletal muscle: P. Patel, et al.; Microsurgery 24, 324 (2004)
?Inhibition of iNOS activity by 1400W decreases glutamate release and ameliorates stroke outcome after experimental ischemia: F.J. Perez-Asensio, et al.; Neurobiol. Dis. 18, 375 (2005)
?Selective iNOS inhibitor 1400W enhances anti-catabolic IL-10 and reduces destructive MMP-10 in OA cartilage. Survey of the effects of 1400W on inflammatory mediators produced by OA cartilage as detected by protein antibody array: K. J |