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Antibiotic TPU-0037-A (30-Demethyl-lydicamycin)

Cat no: A2297-38M

Supplier: United States Biological
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TPU-0037A, a close structural analogue of lydicamycin, has been shown to be highly active against MRSA. TPU-0037A is also closely related to Antibiotic BN 4515N isolated from a strain of Microtetraspora as a neuritogenic agent. Solubility: Soluble in ethanol, methanol, DMF or DMSO. Storage and Stability: May be stored at -20 degrees C. Reconstitute to nominal volume. Aliquot and store at -20 degrees C. Reconstituted product is stable for 12 months at -20 degrees C. For maximum recovery of product, centrifuge the original vial after thawing and prior to removing the cap. Further dilutions can be made in assay buffer
Catalogue number: A2297-38M
Size: 500ug
Form: Supplied as a colorless film.
Purity: ~95% by HPLC.
Alternative names: 30-Demethyl-lydicamycin
References: 1. TPU-0037-A, B, C and D, novel lydicamycin congeners with anti-MRSA activity from Streptomyces platensis TP-A0598. Furumai T. et al. J. Antibiot. 2002, 55, 873. 2. A new neuritogenetic compound BU-4514N produced by Microtetraspora sp.. Toda S. et al. J. Antibiot. 1993, 46, 875. 3. Lydicamycin, a new antibiotic of a novel skeletal type. II. Physico-chemical properties and structure elucidation. Hayakawa Y. et al. J. Antibiot. 1991, 44, 288. 4. Lydicamycin, a new antibiotic of a novel skeletal type. I. Taxonomy, fermentation, isolation and biological activity. Hayakawa Y. et al. J. Antibiot. 1991, 44, 282.
Additional info: Shown to be highly reactive against MRSA

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