RIP (Receptor Interacting Protein) is a 74kD Ser/Thr kinase which interacts with CD95 (Fas/Apo1) receptor and the tumor necrosis factor receptor (TNFR1). It...
D4-GDI (GDP dissociation inhibitor) is a negative regulator of the ras-related Rho family of GTPases. Since the Rho GTPases promote cytoskeleytal and...
RGS3 (regulator of G protein signaling 3) is a 519-residue protein that is widely expressed in many tissues and cells. The protein contains an RGS domain...
RELM-alpha belongs to a unique family of tissue-specific cytokines termed FIZZ (found in inflammatory zone) and RELM. The three known members of this family;...
RBP4 (Retinol Binding Protein 4). Retinol is transported in blood bound to the carrier protein RBP. Under physiological conditions, RBP binds transthyretin...
The mammalian proto-oncogene Ras encodes 21kD proteins (p21Ras) which exists in either a physiologically quiescent GDP-binding state or a GTPbinding...
Caspase family of cysteine proteases plays a key role in apoptosis. Caspase-9 is one of the most important caspases among the caspase family members. Upon...
c-Raf is a mitogen-activated protein kinase. Binding of Raf to 14-3-3 is required for c-Raf kinase activity, and also blocks the ability of phosphatase to...
Human Raf1 is a proto-oncogene-encoded 74kD kinase that serves as an upstream activator of Mek1 by phosphorylating Ser-218 and Ser-222 in the MAP kinase...
Rad17 is an essential component of cell cycle checkpoints activated by DNA damage and disruption of DNA replication. DNA lesions such as single- and...
Rab5 is a 24kD GTP-binding protein that is localized to the cytoplasmic side of the plasma membrane, clathrin-coated vesicles, and early endosomes. Rab5 is...
PUMA (p53 upregulated modulator of apoptosis) is one of the pro-apoptotic Bcl-2 family members which are also transcriptional targets of p53. PUMA gene...
Presenilin 1 and presenilin 2 are transmembrane proteins belonging to the presenilin family. Mutation of presenilin genes has been linked to early onset of...
Human EG-VEGF (Endocrine-gland-derived vascular endothelial growth factor) is a ~9.6kD protein consisting of 86aa residues. Human EG-VEGF induces...
Human EG-VEGF (Endocrine-gland-derived vascular endothelial growth factor) is a ~9.6kD protein consisting of 86aa residues. Human EG-VEGF induces...
Prohibitin is an evolutionarily conserved protein that has anti-proliferative activity. Prohibitin is a 30kD, post-synthetically modified protein found in...
Protein arginine methylation is a form of post-translational modification that is catalyzed by protein arginine methyltransferases (PRMTs). PRMT6 catalyzes...
PKGs are cyclic GMP-dependent protein kinases (also designed cGKs) that are classified into two types, PKGI and PKGII. Studies have shown that cGKs and...
DNA-dependent protein kinase (DNA-PK) is made up of 3 subunits, 2 Ku proteins and a large catalytic subunit (DNA-PKcs). DNA-PKcs falls into the...
PKC (Protein kinase C) is a calcium-dependent and phospholipid-dependent enzyme that is activated in vivo by the lipid diacylglycerol. PKC has been shown to...