Cell-permeable. Blocks adipogenesis by inhibiting the activation of SREBPs (Sterol Regulatory Binding Proteins). Inhibits the ER-Golgi translocation of...
A free base form of the EGFR inhibitor Erlotinib Hydrochloride. Molecular Weight: ~393.44 Solubility: DMSO (~100mg/ml) Storage and Stability: Lyophilized...
Cell-permeable. A naturally occurring anthraquinone that displays a range of biological activities including anti- inflammatory, anti-tumor and...
A nonionic detergent for membrane protein stabilization and crystallization (CMC = 100-600uM). Molecular Weight: ~510.62 Solubility: H2O (~50mg/ml) Storage...
Cell-permeable. A potent, selective, reversible, and ATP-competitive p97 inhibitor. DBeQ blocks both ubiquitin-dependent and autophagic protein clearance...
A pyridyl cyanoguanidine derivative that displays potent antitumor activity. Also acts as an inhibitor of Nampt/visfatin, NF-kB and IkB kinase. In addition,...
Cell-permeable. A highly specific inhibitor for the 7 Arabidopsis GSK-3 like kinase that activates brassinosteroid (BR) signaling downstream of the BR...
Potential anti-inflammatory agent. Selectively and irreversibly inhibits NF-kB activation by blocking TNF-a-induced phosphorylation of IkB-a without...
Cell-permeable. A specific inhibitor of the 20S proteasome chymotrypsin-like activity. An antitumor agent. Molecular Weight: ~811.87 Solubility: DMSO...
Virginiamycin complex is defined as a mixture of 75% virginamycin M1 (ostreogrycin A) and 25% virginiamycin S1 and the less abundant S analogs. As the two...
Virginiamycin B is a depsipeptide antibiotic co-produced with ostreogrycin A and used as a synergistic mixture. Virginiamycin B, also known as ostreogrycin B...
Verrucofortine is an alkaloidal diketopiperazine derived from tryptophan and leucine isolated from Penicillium species. There are no reports of intensive...
Antibiotic UK-1 is an unusual bis-benzoxazole metabolite isolated from a species of Streptomyces. It exhibits good antitumor activity but is devoid of...
Clavulanic acid is a beta-lactam antibiotic produced by several species of the genus Streptomyces. The free acid degrades and is isolated and maintained as...
Tetromycin B is an unusual tetronic acid structurally related to kijanimicin, chlorothricin, saccharocarcin, tetrocarcin and versipelostatin. Tetromycin B...
Tetromycin A is an unusual tetronic acid structurally related to kijanimicin, chlorothricin, saccharocarcin, tetrocarcin and versipelostatin. Tetromycin A...
Tetranactin is a member of the macrotetrolide complex produced by a range of Streptomyces sp. Like the other members of the macrotetrolide family,...
Tenuazonic acid is potent tetramic acid mycotoxin produced by several fungal genera, notably Alternaria. Tenuazonic acid exhibits antitumor, antiviral and...
Telomycin is a complex high molecular weight depsipeptide discovered in 1958. The structure was subsequently solved in 1968. Telomycin possesses potent and...
Teicoplanin complex is family of closely related metabolites produced by Actinoplanes teichomyceticus which possesses potent broad spectrum antibiotic...