Applications: Suitable for use in ELISA. Other applications not tested. Recommended Dilution: ELISA: 1:5000-1:20,000 Optimal dilutions to be determined by...
Vascular endothelial growth factors (VEGFs), a group of structurally and functionally related growth factors, may play important roles in vascular system...
Applications: Suitable for use in ELISA and Western Blot. Other applications not tested. Recommended Dilution: Western Blot: 1-3ug/ml ELISA: >1:2000 Optimal...
p115 / TAP (Vesicle docking protein p115, Transcytosis-associated protein) is a general vesicular transport factor located in the Golgi complex. p115 is part...
Gene ID(s): 8615 (human) Applications: Suitable for use in ELISA (peptide) and Western Blot. Other applications not tested. Recommended Dilution: Optimal...
Voltage-dependent anion channels (VDAC) are small pore-forming membrane proteins that regulate metabolite exchange across the mitochondrial outer membrane....
VDAC2 (voltage-dependent anion-selective channel protein 2), a mammalian mitochondrial outer-membrane protein, and member of the eukaryotic mitochondrial...
VDAC2 (voltage-dependent anion-selective channel protein 2), a mammalian mitochondrial outer-membrane protein, and member of the eukaryotic mitochondrial...
Voltage-dependent anion channels (VDAC) are small pore-forming membrane proteins that regulate metabolite exchange across the mitochondrial outer membrane....
Voltage-dependent anion channel (VDAC) proteins are abundant, pore-forming proteins belonging to the eukaryotic mitochondrial porins.It was discovered in the...
The Voltage-Dependent Anion Channel (VDAC or mitochondrial Porin) is an outer membrane mitochondrial protein. The VDAC protein is thought to form the major...
Voltage-Dependent Anion Channel 1 (VDAC1) is a 30.8kD protein involved with membrane permeability. VDAC1 forms channels through both the mitochondrial outer...
VDAC (also known as Voltage-dependent anion-selective channel protein 1, Outer mitochondrial membrane protein porin 1, Plasmalemmal porin, Porin 31HL) is an...
VAV3, a third representative of the Vav family, participates in signal transduction processes. It is also involved in the activation of several members of...
Vav proteins belong to the Dbl family of guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs) for Rho/Rac small GTPases. The three identified mammalian Vav proteins...
The Vav family are Rho/Rac guanosine nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs), consisting of three members in mammalian cells (Vav, Vav2, Vav3) and one in...
The Vav family are Rho/Rac guanosine nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs), consisting of three members in mammalian cells (Vav, Vav2, Vav3) and one in...
Applications: Suitable for use in ELISA and Western Blot. Other applications not tested. Recommended Dilution: Western Blot: 1-1.5ug/ml ELISA: >1:32,000...
Vav, which is predominantly expressed during adult life, is one of the genetic markers that correlate with the differentiation of the hematopoietic cells....
Vav, which is predominantly expressed during adult life, is one of the genetic markers that correlate with the differentiation of the hematopoietic cells....